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CHIPS Articles: NCDOC Receives EPIC Award

NCDOC Receives EPIC Award
By Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command Public Affairs - November 3, 2015
ANAHEIM, Calif. (NNS) -- Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC) was named as a finalist in the Analytical Excellence Award category of the Teradata 2015 EPIC Awards ceremony, Oct. 19.

The EPIC Awards are presented each year as part of the Teradata PARTNERS Conference to recognize outstanding achievement in the use of data to generate business value, innovative use of analytics technology, integrated marketing solutions, and partnership excellence.

The Analytical Excellence Award category recognizes teams that provide solutions that improve business decision-making by increasing the accuracy or speed of business insights, and by delivering measurable improvements in organizational performance and/or productivity.

"It's always great to see NCDOC and the talent within being publicly recognized for the unique contributions we continue to make," said Capt. Sean Heritage, commanding officer of NCDOC. "I have every reason to believe the spotlight will continue to shine on a growing number of our teammates for all of the right reasons."

The team was recognized for developing the Navy Cyber Defense Core (Cyber Core), a one-stop shop for the consumption of information based on data gathered, analyzed and stored within the Navy's cyber defense information systems.

Cyber Core is a decision support capability, displaying timely and relevant cyber defense information in an innovative manner by using a combination of traditional reports and interactive visualizations. It supports role-based decision-making by delivering customized dashboard views and improved internal and external reporting in a user-friendly, web-service environment.

NCDOC serves as the Navy's only computer network defense service provider, and is charged with defending the Navy's unclassified and secret computer networks.

More than 500 military, civilians, and contract personnel fight the "net" through aggressive detection and analysis of adversary cyber operations, while directing proactive defensive actions to counter threats.

NCDOC's mission is to coordinate, monitor and oversee the defense of Navy computer networks and systems, and to be responsible for accomplishing computer network defense missions as assigned by Commander, U.S. 10th Fleet and Commander, U.S. Cyber Command.

For more news from Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet, visit

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