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CHIPS Articles: DoD Announces October Cybersecurity Awareness Month

DoD Announces October Cybersecurity Awareness Month
By DoD News - October 2, 2015
The purpose of this strategy is to guide the development of DoD's cyber forces and strengthen our cyber defense and cyber deterrence posture. It focuses on building cyber capabilities and organizations for DoD's three primary cyber missions.

DoD's Three Primary Cyber Missions:
-- Defend DoD networks, systems, and information
-- Defend the U.S. homeland and U.S. national interests against cyberattacks of significant consequence
-- Provide cyber support to military operational and contingency plans

Cyber Mission Force: 133 teams by 2018
State and non-state actors threaten disruptive and destructive attacks against the United States and conduct cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property to undercut the United States' technological and military advantage. DoD must develop its cyber forces and strengthen its cyber defense and cyber deterrence posture.

National Mission Teams: 13 teams
Defend the United States and its interests against cyberattacks of significant consequence.

Cyber Protection Teams: 68 teams
Defend priority DoD networks and systems against priority threats.

Combat Mission: Teams 27 teams
Provide support to Combatant Commands by generating integrated cyberspace effects in support of operational plans and contingency operations.

Support Teams: 25 teams
Provide analytic and planning support to the National Mission and Combat Mission teams.

Related Information
Beyond the Build: Delivering Outcomes Through Cyberspace
Fact Sheet: Administration Cybersecurity Efforts 2015
OPM Cybersecurity Incident Information
Foreign Policy on Cybersecurity

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October is Cybersecurity Month. DoD image

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