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Public Notices by Year


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LRH 2014-199 Ohio Wetlands Foundation Stream In-Lieu Fee Program for the Upper Scioto and Tuscarawas Watersheds - 12/30/2014: A prospectus has been submitted pursuant to 33 CFR 332 proposing the establishment of an In Lieu Fee Program (ILFP) to provide mitigation for impacts to waters of the United States (U.S.) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Section 404) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (Section 10) with a primary service area in two eight-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) watersheds (Upper Scioto River 05060001 and Tuscarawas River 05040001) in the State of Ohio, within the boundaries of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Huntington District. The purpose of this public notice is to solicit comments regarding the establishment of the proposed ILFP.
Expiration date: 1/28/2015

SPECIAL NOTICE: Guidelines for Stream Mitigation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in Ohio, Version 1.0 - 12/19/2014: The Ohio Interagency Review Team Releases the Guidelines for Stream Mitigation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in Ohio, Version 1.0 for Application within the State of Ohio in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Buffalo, Huntington, and Pittsburgh Districts
Expiration date:

LRH 2013-070-MAU - 12/19/2014: The applicant proposes to discharge fill material into waters of the U.S. to replace the existing 6-span SR 109 bridge over the Maumee River with a wider 12-span pre-stressed concrete I-beam bridge.
Expiration date: 1/19/2015


LRH 2008-812-KAN - 12/19/2014: The applicant proposes to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States to facilitate the construction of a Raw Water Storage Impoundment to provide for the storage of approximately 3.7 million gallons of untreated water (5 days of additional storage capacity).
Expiration date: 1/19/2015


LRH 2012-368-OHR - 12/17/2014: The applicant proposes to discharge fill material into waters of the U.S. to reconfigure the I-70/US 40/SR 331 interchange, relocate the Hammond Road connection to SR 331, and widen US 40 and SR 331. The applicant has indicated permanent discharges of fill would be necessary in Streams 1, 3, and 4; Wetlands A-D, I, and L; and Ditches 1 and 3 to construct culverts and roadway bed and embankment.
Expiration date: 1/15/2015


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