NGEN: It's Not the Network - Continued

Published, May 26, 2014

Fast FactBecause NMCI is "the network" for so many users (nearly 800,000), a continuation of what the new NGEN contract that services NMCI means to its customer base is important. Here are four key facts about NGEN you should know. ...

  • The NGEN contract will save the DON approximately $1 billion over the Five Year Defense Program.
  • The NGEN Acquisition Strategy and its segmented approach were built for agility: when it makes sense to keep abreast of IT industry advancements, the NGEN Program Office will be better positioned to re-compete service segments for best value/price.
  • Transitioning network infrastructure (hardware, routers, servers, etc.) from contractor owned/contractor operated (CO/CO) to government owned/contractor operated (GO/CO) enhances government operational control and ownership of critical infrastructure while allowing better visibility into costs.
  • Moving from a CO/CO to a GO/CO network model also gains the necessary authorities for increased Command and Control, improved situational awareness, and the ability to maneuver the network in accordance with Commanders intent. With NGEN, the government's enhanced role includes increased design and technical authority, as well as information assurance responsibilities.
NGEN = Increased control/flexibility, greater buying power, improved services, and enhanced security.

Stay tuned... Next: How NGEN is the DON's path to the DoD Joint Information Environment.

View more Fast Facts.


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