CIO Authorities

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DoD Plan for Implementing the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act

DoD Guidance - October 20, 2015

The purpose of this Plan is to describe the planned actions of the Department of Defense (DoD) to implement FITARA and the guidance contained in Management and Budget (OMB) Memo M-15-14, and describe the Department's processes and procedures for managing its Information Technology (IT) investments.

Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis

DoD CIO Memo - October 23, 2014

This memo establishes the Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments. The template is based on business cases used in the DoD and industry. DON CIO is currently drafting policy on implementing the below DoD CIO memo.

DON Business Transformation Council

SECNAVINST 5420.197A - July 1, 2014

The purpose of this instruction is to establish policy and responsibilities for the Department of the Navy Business Transformation Council (BTC), with the membership and processes defined herein. The BTC provides a senior DON forum in which business transformation efforts that cross organizational and/or functional boundaries can be strategically assessed, approved, and accelerated.

Guidance Regarding Cyberspace Roles, Responsibilities, Functions, and Governance Within the DoD

DoD Memo - June 9, 2014

The purpose of this memo is to clarify the roles, responsibilities, and relationships for cyberspace matters in the Department; to streamline seemingly overlapping duties concerning information technology networks and cyber; and, to provide guidance on establishing a single governance structure for cyberspace going forward.

Chief Information Officer Authorities

OMB Memo - August 8, 2011

This memo is designed to clarify the primary area of responsibility for agency chief information officers (CIOs) throughout the government, as identified in the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management. It discusses the changing role of agency CIOs away from just policymaking and infrastructure maintenance t

Appointment of DON Deputy Chief Information Officer as Functional Area Manager Authority for Navy

VCNO Memo - June 10, 2011

This memo appoints the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer as the single Functional Area Manager authority for Navy.

Organizational Realignments and Designation as the DON DCIO (Navy) and the DON DCIO (Marine Corps)

UNSECNAV Memo - May 11, 2011

The purpose of this memo is to establish a common enterprise approach between the functions of the DON CIO and the Navy and Marine Corps. This renewed approach is designed to strengthen the integration and success of the Department's IM, IT (to include national security systems) and cyberspace (excluding intel, attack and exploit), and information resource management operations, procurement and business processes.

DON Information Enterprise Governance Board Charter

UNSECNAV Memo - March 1, 2011

This charter establishes the Department of the Navy Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB) as the Department's single, senior governance forum for information management, information technology (to include national security systems) and cyberspace, and information resources management matters. The IGB is empowered to function as both a decision-making and an advisory forum.

DON Privacy Program and Appointment of the Senior Military Component Official for Privacy

UNSECNAV Memo - October 30, 2009

This memo designates the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer as the Senior Military Component Official for Privacy for the Department of the Navy, delegated the responsibility for oversight of the Department's implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974.

Assignment of Responsibilities and Authorities in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy

SECNAVINST 5430.7Q - August 17, 2009

This instruction assigns Department-wide responsibilities for administration of the Department of the Navy to and among the Civilian Executive Assistants and Staff Assistants to the Secretary of the Navy.


DON IT West and East 2017 Conference Registration Now Open

October 18, 2016

Registration is now open for the DON IT Conferences, on the West and East Coasts. The DON IT Conference, West Coast has been approved for Feb. 21-23, 2017, at the San Diego Convention Center and the DON IT Conference, East Coast has been approved for May 16-18, 2017 at the Hilton Norfolk The Main.

DoD CIO Releases DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape

September 14, 2016

On August 18, 2016 DoD CIO released a new strategy titled, "DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape." ...

Strengthening Privacy Awareness and Protection

by Rob Foster - August 11, 2016

I want to update you on what the Department of the Navy is doing to protect sensitive personal data from compromise. As you know, personal data loss, which can lead to identity theft, is not always due to outsider threats. It can be the result of an insider’s malicious actions or simply an insider’s lack of proper handling of what we call “personally identifiable information” or PII. The Department has a track record ...

Navy Mobile Apps Bring Information and Training to Your Smartphone and Tablet

by Rob Foster - May 9, 2016

There are mobile applications for almost everything, and now there are apps that allow Department of the Navy active duty and civilian personnel in any location to access important information and required training on their personal smartphone or tablet. These apps will work on personal devices outside of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) domain.

2015 FedScoop Golden Gov Awards Include Three DoD CIOs

December 11, 2015

The Department of Defense's push to use innovative technology as a path to transforming government is continuing to gain traction and recognition in the federal technology community. More...

Donate to Your Favorite Charities through the Combined Federal Campaign

November 16, 2015

The Combined Federal Campaign's (CFC) mission is to promote and support philanthropy through an employee focused and effective program that provides federal employees with an opportunity to choose from many worthy charities that support those in need around the world. More...

Strengthening Cybersecurity Awareness

by Rob Foster - October 29, 2015

While October was designated as National Cybersecurity Awareness month it is always an opportune time to address what the Department is doing to strengthen our security posture as well as reinforce the importance of practicing the utmost care whenever we use a government computer and access a government network. More...

Shaping the Path for Future Success

by Rob Foster - July 30, 2015

I am very pleased and honored to address you as the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer. Much of my first month has been spent meeting key stakeholders in order to understand their roles and gain an appreciation of their interests and concerns for the DON Information Technology Enterprise. More...

CNO's 2014 Position Report Released

November 24, 2014

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert has issued his 2014 Position Report. The Position Report is used to assess the progress that's been made toward the vision and plans outlined in the CNO Sailing Directions and Navigation Plan: 2015-2019. The report also highlights both achievements, and areas which need improvement, and discusses the progress yet to be made while focusing on three tenets: Warfighting ...

Streamlining Processes to Reduce Administrative Burden

by Dr. John Zangardi, Ph.D. - November 14, 2014

I am pleased to address you as Acting DON CIO after having been appointed to serve in that capacity on 24 Oct. Though the office has been aligned with the DUSN (M) organization, the DON CIO will continue to maintain a direct reporting relationship to the Secretary of the Navy on matters required by law, regulation, and policy. In addition to serving as Acting DON CIO, I will remain the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the ...

Posturing the Navy for the Future

by Thomas Hicks - October 17, 2014

We are making progress in our efforts to transcend the organizational constructs, processes and technologies of the past. A recent example is the DON information management study, introduced in my last column. With Mr. Halvorsen's departure to become Acting DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO), I was appointed Acting DON CIO to oversee this study and make recommendations to the Secretary of the Navy on the future ...

DON Information Management Study

by Thomas Hicks - July 11, 2014

In today's rapidly evolving environment, the information technology, management processes, and administrative functions of the Department of the Navy are becoming increasingly integrated. All major indicators portend that reliance upon data systems and access to information will be even more critical in the future than it is today. To ensure the DON is properly organized to thrive in this complex environment, we are in ...

Building on DON Success; Meeting New Challenges

by Barbara Hoffman - June 9, 2014

It has been a privilege to serve in leadership positions for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, including as Director of both the E-business and Investment Management teams, Principal Deputy for two very talented DON CIOs, and now as the DON CIO (Acting). Our business IT environment has evolved dramatically over this timeframe, in technology advances as well as in operational and fiscal challenges.

The 'Cutting Edge' Isn't Always The Answer

by Terry Halvorsen - April 18, 2014

Is newer always better (or necessary)? In today's world, where technology changes in the blink of an eye, and the race to be faster, more capable, bigger, etc., moves at lightning speed, we sometimes forget to ask ourselves that very simple question. The government IT world isn't immune to this phenomenon. Cutting edge technology may bring useful new capability, but cutting-edge costs money – usually lots of money. ...

What's Next in IT - And How Do We Get There?

January 10, 2014

The current budget realities faced by the Department of the Navy have created for us a "new normal." And though we still work diligently to find more ways to save money, we also must adjust to the new normal by asking, "Now what?" How do we get from a mindset of "cutting back to save money" to using the cutting edge of technology to transform our business processes?

In Praise of the DON Cyberspace/IT Workforce

July 12, 2013

Admiral David G. Farragut once said, referring to Marines aboard Navy vessels, that a ship without Marines is like a coat without buttons. A similar sentiment could be expressed regarding our Department of the Navy civilian workforce. In today’s climate of austere budgets, sequestration and furloughs for our civilian workforce, we spend a lot of time talking about where and how we’re going to spend – and not spend – our ...

Adapting and Overcoming Resistance to Change in an Evolving IT World

April 16, 2013

In the 1986 movie, "Heartbreak Ridge," Clint Eastwood plays the salty Marine Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Highway, an old-school Marine who realizes he must change some of his ways to succeed in a changing world. His personal mantra — "improvise, adapt, overcome" — is also a teaching point he uses — relentlessly — with the Marines of his underperforming reconnaissance platoon. We, in the Department of the Navy, face a similar ...

Transparency: The Right Data at the Right Time

January 29, 2013

Chances are you've seen the TV ad for a used-car company that begins with a potential buyer looking for “a car.” He is suddenly facing a sea of automobiles, which he narrows down by being more specific: "A red car. With good gas mileage. With four doors." And so on. This is a good example of what we in the IT world call "transparency." Contrary to common misconceptions, data transparency does not mean access to all ...

Building a Strong Foundation for Future Success

October 24, 2012

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein said these words two generations ago, and yet they ring even more true today. But, we must not stop there. While it is vital that we use current solutions, best practices and technologies to enable our immediate success, we must also maintain a steadfast eye on the horizon for future requirements, industry trends ...

DON CIO Launches Website Redesign

August 8, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer deployed the next generation of its website today to better showcase content and provide improved access to the information relied on daily by members of the DON IT community.

Data as a Critical DON Asset

July 27, 2012

We all save an overabundance of mementos from the past — whether it is a favorite blanket from grandma, a box full of baseball cards (unfortunately, not a Tug McGraw or Ted Williams rookie card in the mix), or 20-year-old report cards. While it may be comforting to know that we can always find a particular item; in reality, is that box of baseball cards valuable enough to keep around? We, as a department, have long ...

Business IT Transformation Town Hall Transcript Available

June 5, 2012

At the most recent Department of the Navy Information Technology Conference in Virginia Beach, Va., Terry Halvorsen, DON Chief Information Officer, held a town hall to discuss his strategy for business IT transformation and the future of DON IT. Download the full transcript, which includes questions from the audience, here.

Streamlining DON Business Processes for a More Effective and Efficient Future

May 30, 2012

During the next five to 10 years, the Department of the Navy is facing significant budget constraints. To support vital warfighting capabilities that protect the safety of the nation, it is necessary to find efficiencies in other areas. As part of this effort, the DON Chief Information Office and its information technology partners, such as internal stakeholders and industry, will thoroughly review all operations from an ...

Message From the DON CIO: Keeping PII and PHI Secure

by Terry Halvorsen - May 17, 2012

As a department, we like to save our data and records -- to ensure we will have a historical record or to meet a regulatory requirement. And indeed, many of the Department's business processes require the legitimate use of sensitive information. However, there are cases in which personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) should not be used, maintained or collected.

Message from the DON CIO: Transforming Business IT for a More Effective Department

by Terry Halvorsen - April 20, 2012

Two years ago, Adm. Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the national debt the greatest threat to national security. He also emphasized the importance of good fiscal stewardship and the need for Department of Defense leaders to work together to cut spending, which had doubled from 2000 to 2010.

DON CIO Discusses Changing Requirements for the Cyber/IT Workforce

February 17, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer spoke of the need to change requirements of the Department of Navy Cyber/IT workforce to stay competitive in the rapidly changing IT environment of today. During the DON IT Conference, Terry Halvorsen, DON CIO, spoke of his multidimensional approach to further professionalize the workforce through updating skill requirements, increasing coordination with DON business ...

DON IT Business Transformation Focuses on Enterprise Solutions

February 14, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer discussed the Department's IT business transformation efforts to prepare for a fiscally constrained future with enterprise and joint solutions that are effective, efficient and agile during the DON Information Technology Conference in San Diego.

Message from the DON CIO

by Terry Halvorsen - January 17, 2012

Happy New Year! This year, the Department of the Navy will build on the efforts of 2011 as we continue on our difficult but necessary journey to transform the way the department manages its business information technology. Finding ways to become more effective in how we acquire and operate IT will lead to decreased costs and ensure we hit the target of reducing the IT budget by 25 percent by 2017.

Department of the Navy in Good Company in IT Efficiencies Way Ahead

by Jessica Pelenberg - November 18, 2011

As the quest for cost saving efficiencies rages on, three government officials spoke about the challenges their organizations are facing and their plans to tackle them at the Fifth Annual C5ISR Government and Industry Partnership Conference held Nov. 16, in Charleston, S.C.

Message from the DON CIO: Finding IT Efficiencies, Challenging but Necessary Work

by Terry Halvorsen - October 27, 2011

It has been a busy year for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer staff and the information technology efficiencies integrated product teams (IPT) as we analyze how the DON can improve the way business IT is purchased, managed and operated. This hard work will enhance the department's effectiveness, as well as result in real savings, as we grapple with shrinking budgets.

Combined Federal Campaign Kicks Off its 50th Anniversary

September 7, 2011

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign with more than 200 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally, helping to raise millions of dollars each year.

Message From the DON CIO: Changing the IT Business Model

by Terry Halvorsen - July 27, 2011

The Department of the Navy must change the way it manages its business information technology (IT) systems. It is the reality of these fiscally constrained times; and frankly, it is the right thing to do as good stewards of taxpayer money.

DON CIO Provides Update on IT Efficiencies and Way Ahead

June 7, 2011

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer discussed the Department's work to become more effective and efficient in the information technology domain during the DON Information Technology Conference in Virginia Beach May 10-12.

Why IT Efficiencies?

by Terry Halvorsen - May 4, 2011

Why is the Department of the Navy aggressively pursuing information technology efficiencies? There are a number of contributing factors that led to the recent focus on efficiencies, but the primary catalyst is the realization by Department of Defense and DON leadership that from a fiscal perspective we cannot continue to do business the same old way, or it will adversely affect our ability to direct necessary resources ...

Information Enterprise Governance Board is Established

March 28, 2011

The Department of the Navy Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB) was established March 1 to serve as the Department's single, senior information management, information technology/cybersecurity and information resources management (IRM) policy and governance forum. This executive board serves in both a decision-making and advisory capacity.

Department's KM Vision

by Robert J. Carey - November 17, 2009

Our vision for KM/IM is to, "create, capture, share and reuse knowledge to enable effective and agile decision-making, increase the efficiency of task accomplishment, and improve mission effectiveness."


Brigadier General Dennis A. Crall, Deputy Chief Information Officer (Marine Corps)

September 14, 2015

Brigadier General Crall assumed the duties of Director – Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4), Headquarters Marine Corps / Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Marine Corps on July 21, 2015. A native of South Carolina, he graduated from the University of South Carolina and was commissioned in 1987.

Rob Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

July 2, 2015

Rob Foster was selected as the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer effective June 2015. In support of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Management, Mr. Foster heads the Office of the DON CIO and is the DON's senior official and advisor on matters related to Information Management (IM), Information Technology (IT)/cyberspace, and Information Resources Management (IRM). He develops strategies, ...

DON CIO Organization Chart

July 1, 2015

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer Organization Chart

About the DON CIO

June 29, 2015

What is the DON CIO? Federal Chief Information Officers were mandated by the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 to address information management and information technology (IM/IT) at the enterprise level. The Secretary of the Navy established the office of the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer in 1997 to provide top-level advocacy in the development and use of IM/IT and to create a unified IM/IT vision for the ...

Lynda Pierce, Performing the Duties of the Principal Deputy, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

November 5, 2014

Ms. Lynda Pierce was selected to perform the duties of the Principal Deputy Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Department of the Navy (DON) in November 2014. In this role she assists the Acting CIO in carrying out his responsibilities and provides guidance to the DON CIO's functional teams: DON Cybersecurity and Infrastructure, DON Information Technology (IT) Efficiencies and Analysis, and DON Information and ...

Vice Admiral Ted N. Branch, Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy)

July 1, 2013

Vice Adm. Ted Branch was appointed to his current rank of Vice Admiral in July 2013 at the same time he assumed office as Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (N2/N6), the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy), and the 65th Director of Naval Intelligence.

Messages From the DON CIO

January 29, 2013

The following are links to past messages from the DON CIO.

DON CIO Leadership Team

June 30, 2011

The office of the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is organized to align and integrate information management/information technology/cyber programs across the Navy and Marine Corps and focus Department-wide IM/IT/cyber efforts on warfighter priorities. Overall leadership responsibility is vested in the CIO, supported by one Deputy CIO each for the Navy and Marine Corps, and a Principal Deputy CIO who ...

DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Vision, Mission and Goals

May 5, 2011

Be Enterprise, Be Effective, and Be Efficient Our VISION: Secure, relevant, accessible information provided in an Effective and efficient manner throughout the Naval Enterprise. Our MISSION: Provide Effective/efficient, trusted and shared IM/IT/cyberspace and Information Resource Management (lRM) enterprise capabilities to support the DON, Marines, Sailors, and their mission partners conducting global military ...

The Power of Team: The Making of a CIO

December 19, 2007

The book "Power of Team: The Making of a CIO" shares the experiences and insights of the DON CIO as it constructed and implemented an agenda for the newly formed Office of the Chief Information Officer.

Industry News

Cyber, Mobile and Managed Services: What State CIOs are Saying

Governement Computer News - October 13, 2015

New Navy CIO Brings Acquisition Focus

C4ISR & Networks - August 20, 2015

A Successful Cyber Sprint, With a Questionable Finish Line

Federal Computer Week - July 10, 2015

Navy Gets New CIO

FedScoop - June 10, 2015

CIO Concerns: It All Depends On Where You Sit

Government Computer News - April 7, 2015

No-Longer-Acting Pentagon CIO Holds Forth

Federal Computer Week - March 9, 2015

NGA To Merge CIO And IT Services

Federal Computer Week - January 26, 2015

How Would You Like To Run The Navy's IT?

Federal Computer Week - December 4, 2014