Workforce Competency and Career Planning

Published, September 13, 2012

This toolkit assists individuals in developing, tracking, and managing their careers and facilitates competency management for the information management/information technology and knowledge management (KM) professional at the organizational level.

The Career Planning Tool is an interactive database application that enables you to conduct a "competency gap analysis" and to formulate a personalized career execution plan designed to ensure you meet the minimum competencies for your career field. It is based on the information found in the Career Path Guide (CPG). The tutorial provides basic information on use of the Career Planning Tool.

The CPG, currently only for civilian competencies, is a tool for determining the career options, education and experience opportunities, and competency requirements of the DON IM/IT and KM employees. It documents the full spectrum of competencies needed for performing major tasks in the IM/IT and KM occupations, provides learning objectives that are established standards of performance and accountability, and provides employees and their supervisors a reference to plan for appropriate career training, development, professional qualifications, and leadership abilities.

Volume I of the CPG provides a detailed discussion of the career development process, which includes the prepare, assess, validate and evaluate phases. It also groups the IM/IT job roles and competencies into five general career areas: information management, knowledge management, computer and information systems engineering, information assurance, and telecommunications. Specific certification programs, critical to the success of the IM/IT workforce, are highlighted, including Defense Aquisition Workforce Improvement Act certification and the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer certificate program. Additionally, an assessment matrix is provided for assessing your career foundational competencies, those knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors that everyone in the IM/IT and KM workforce needs, regardless of function.

Use the Career Development and Management Checklist to help you track the different steps in your career development. The Office of Personnel Management Job Family Standard for IT Group, GS-2200 is mapped to the CPG Career Areas and Job Roles to further clarify your options in the IM/IT & KM competencies. An acronym list is included to help you understand the many terms and abbreviations used throughout the CPG.

Volume II of the CPG provides detailed matrices which outline competencies, learning objectives, developmental activities, appropriate levels and skills. The different career areas for the IM/IT competencies are discussed in detail, with each career area broken down into associated job roles: IM, KM, computing in science and engineering, information assurance, and telecommunications.

Downloads Type Size
CPG Volume II PDF 2848k
CPG Volume I PDF 5681k
Tutorial PPT 1584k

TAGS: Cybersecurity, IA, KM, Telecommunications, Workforce

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