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Aquatic Invasive Species in Vermont

To Report an Aquatic Invasive Species Sighting in Vermont Call: 802-338-4822

New!  The transport of all aquatic plants is now illegal in Vermont. Click here for more information.

VT Aquatic Invasive Species Sticker Program

This Aquatic Invasive Species section of the of the Watershed Management Division web site presents information regarding aquatic nuisance species. The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation manages the Vermont Aquatic Nuisance Control Program. The goal of the Program is "to prevent or reduce the environmental and socio-economic impacts of nuisance (primarily non-native) aquatic plant and animal species." Many species are included in the Program; however, the priority species at this time are listed below.

Click on an image for more information on each species.


click here to learn more about water chestnut Water Chestnut (Trapa natans) is a glossy, green, triangular-leaved plant can easily choke the waterbodies it invades, out-compete native plants, and reduce oxygen levels which can increase the potential for fish kills. Dense, nearly impenetrable water chestnut growth can make fishing, hunting, swimming, boating, and other recreational activities nearly impossible. Its sharply spined fruits wash ashore and can be hazardous to people who step on them. click here to learn more about Eurasian watermilfoil Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) is a stringy, submerged plant that quickly proliferates. It is highly invasive and aggressively competes with native plant communities reducing biodiversity. Dense mats clog propellers, impair swimming, restrict boating and fishing accesses, and affect water quality.
click here to learn more about zebra mussels Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are small barnacle-like mollusks. They have caused some very serious economic and environmental problems in many areas. They are highly prolific and able to form dense colonies out-competing native species. They feed by filtering plankton out of the water which impacts water clarity and alters the food web. click here to learn more about purple loosestrife Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is a wetland perennial plant. It is highly successful and able to out-compete native vegetation due to it's high germination rate, and its abundant and easily transported seed. Dense growth can eliminate food and shelter for wildlife including shallow water fish spawning grounds.
click here to learn more about alewife Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) is a marine fish from the herring family capable of surviving in freshwater. They reproduce quickly and can soon become the most dominant fish species in a lake. They are very efficient feeders and consume huge quantities of zooplankton which enable them to out-compete other species. Image of variable-leaved milfoil


Variable-leaved watermilfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) is a rooted, submerged perennial plant that was first confirmed in a Vermont water in 2008.  Like its cousin Eurasian watermilfoil, variable-leaved watermilfoil is aggressive and grows rapidly.  Dense growth can crowd out beneficial native aquatic plants reducing biodiversity.  It can also impair recreational uses including swimming, boating and fishing.


rusty crayfish Rusty Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) can be identified by their robust claws with black bands on the tips, and dark, rusty spots on each side of their carapace (body). They can out-compete native species, forcing native crayfish from daytime hiding areas and destroying aquatic plant beds. They have likely been spread into numerous waterbodies in Vermont by anglers using them for bait. man holding clumps of didymo

Didymo (Didymosphenia geminata) is a non-native algae (diatom) species capable of forming thick nuisance mats on river and stream bottoms with potentially significant impacts to fisheries and other habitat. (Picture at left from New Zealand)



What is the State Doing?

The State of Vermont is working in a number of ways to control and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS):

  • Vermonters and visitors to our state are learning about AIS through a variety of educational materials: pamphlets and newsletters, slide shows, identification posters, metal boater warning signs, and public meetings.
  • Surveys that assess the types and amounts of aquatic plants growing in a lake are conducted to monitor existing nuisance plant growth and to detect newly introduced invasive plant populations.
  • A citizen-based, early detection program called the Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIP) Program has been established to search lakes for new AIS infestations. Volunteers are encouraged to participate in this program.
  • The Department of Environmental Conservation is keeping abreast of current research to learn of improved AIS control methods and their applicability for use in Vermont.
  • Demonstration projects have been implemented on a number of Vermont lakes to evaluate new control methods as well as to refine established techniques.
  • Technical assistance on AIScontrol is provided to towns, lake associations, and others.
  • Financial assistance (pdf, 375 KB) is available through the Aquatic Nuisance Control Program in the form of grants to municipalities for qualified applicants to implement restoration, management, or protection projects.                   

Vermont Aquatic Invasive Species Program 2011 Update, November 2011 (pdf, 373 KB)

Vermont Aquatic Invasive Species Program 2010 Update, November 2010 (pdf, 495 KB)

Vermont Aquatic Invasive Species Program 2009 Update, November 2009 (pdf, 236 KB)

Vermont Aquatic Invasive Species Program 2008 Update, November 2008 (pdf. 224 KB)                        

Stop the Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species sign...posted at public access areas
Transport sign
You Can Help!


Prevent the introduction and spread of nonnative invasive species.

Before moving boats between waterbodies:

  • Inspect boat, trailer, motor and other equipment for attached plant or animal material.
  • Remove all plant and animal material.
  • Discard removed material in a trash receptacle or on high, dry ground where there is no danger of them washing into any water body.
  • Drain all water from boat, boat engine, and other equipment.
  • Rinse all boat and trailer parts with tap water (preferably hot, high pressure).
  • Dry boat, trailer and equipment out of water and in sun for at least five days.

Additional Resources

Updated:Nov., 2011

VT DEC Watershed Management Division 103 South Main Street, Building 10 North  Waterbury, VT  05671-0408  Tele: 802-241-3777   Fax: 802-241-3287


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