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Our staff was busy in 2016. Read about all our great activities!

2016 Year in Review

The Fall 2016 issue of txH2O examines why Texas has extreme floods and droughts, profiles Rice University researcher Dr. Philip Bedient, explains the Central Texas phenomenon of Flash Flood Alley and more.

txH2o Fall 2016

Flash Flood Alley, one of the continent's most flood-prone regions runs through the Texas Hill Country, where the weather and landscape have historically and tragically worked together to produce rapid flood events. Read more in the latest txH2O.


Get a behind-the-scenes look at TWRI's water team conducting water quality monitoring on the Navasota River in this Conservation Matters photo essay.

Water Quality Monitoring

The FY17 USGS 104g Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program is now accepting applications. Preproposals are due to TWRI by 4 p.m. Central Time on February 15, 2017. Learn more or view the RFP

The Texas Sea Grant College Program has released its FY2018-2020 Request for Research Proposals.

Upcoming Training Courses

Our training program markets and adminsters short courses on diverse natural resource and water related topics. See a full schedule or subscribe to receive updates about new courses.

Recent Publications

Conservation Matters

Conservation Matters covers the latest research and education news about land, water and wildlife in Texas and beyond state lines.


txH2O magazine features current water resources research, outreach programs, and issues in Texas.

Texas Water Journal

The Texas Water Journal is an online, peer-reviewed journal devoted to water resources management and policy issues.

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