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Required Drawings & Illustrations

Three types of drawings are required to accurately depict work activities:
     (1) the vicinity map,
     (2) the plan view drawing, and
     (3) the sectional view drawing
All drawings or illustrations must be included for the application to be considered complete.  Drawings do not have to be prepared by an engineer or consultant, but professional assistance may become necessary if the project is large and/or complex.  Submit the fewest number of sheets necessary to adequately show the proposed work activities.

Submit one original, good, quality drawing on white paper no larger than 8-12 x 11 inches.  Drawings must be prepared using the general format of samples provided and use block lettering.  Leave a 1-inch margin at the top of each sheet for reproduction and binding purposes.

Drawings must be reproduced; therefore color shading cannot be used. Heavy dark lines, dot shading, hatching, or similar graphic symbols may be used instead of color shading to clarify drawings.

Joint Application                    Sample Drawings/Illustrations

Required Drawings and Illustratoins

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Title Block, with all required information must be on vicinity map, plan view, and section view drawings – see TITLE BLOCK section below for specific details

Names of adjacent property owners who may be affected by proposed activity: Complete names, addresses, and daytime telephone number must be included in section provided for in the Joint Application for Permit

Legal property description: latitude/longitude, number, name of subdivision, block, lot number from plot, deed, or tax assessment information, etc. 

Photographs of the site of the proposed activity are not required.  However, pictures are helpful and may be submitted as part of any application.  Illustrations need not be professional; however, they must be clear, accurate, and contain all necessary information so a proper and timely evaluation can be done.

The title block of each sheet of drawing must include the following:
  • Project name/title
  • Name of the waterbody
  • River mile (if applicable)
  • Name of county & state
  • Name of applicant
  • Date drawings are prepared
  • Number of sheet & total number of sheets in set (e.g.: 1:3, 2:3, 3:3)

The vicinity map is used to identify and locate the proposed activity and its location. 

It will be included in any public notice that is issued and used by the Corps of Engineers or other reviewing agency.  Use of an existing road map or US Geological Survey topographic (scale 1:24,000) may be used as the vicinity map.  Include enough details to simplify locating the site from both the waterbody and from land. 

Identify the source of the map or chart from the larger vicinity map used and, if not already shown, include the following:

  • Title block with all required information (see above)        
  • Location of activity site (draw an arrow showing the exact location of the site on the map)
  • Latitude, longitude, river mile (if known) and/or other information that coincides with Block 11 of the application form
  • Name of the waterbody and name of the larger river, stream, creek, etc. that the waterbody is immediately tributary to
  • Names, description, locations of well-known landmarks
  • Names of all applicable political jurisdictions (county, town, city, community, etc)
  • Names of & distance to nearest town, community, and other identifying locations
  • Names and numbers of all roads in the vicinity of the proposed activity site
  • North arrow
  • Scale

The plan view drawing shows the proposed activity as if you were looking straight down on it from above (as if flying over it). 

The plan view drawing must clearly show the following:

  • Title Block, with all required information – see above
  • Name of waterbody (river, creek, stream, pond, lake, wetland, etc)
  • River mile at location of activity – if known
  • Existing shorelines
  • Mean High water line and Mean Low water line
  • Ordinary High water line and Ordinary Low water line
  • Average water depths around the activity
  • Dimensions of the activity and distance activity extends from the High Water line into the water
  • Distances to nearby projects - if applicable
  • Distance between proposed activity and navigation channel – where applicable
  • Location of structures, if any, in navigable waters immediately adjacent to the proposed activity
  • Location of wetlands (marshes, swamps, tidal flats, etc.)
  • North arrow
  • Scale
  • If dredge material is involved, a description of the type of material, number of cubic yards, method of handling, location of fill and spoil disposal area.  The drawing should depict proposed retention levees, weirs, and/or other means for retaining hydraulically placed materials   
  • Mark the drawing to indicate previously completed portions of the activity – if applicable

The cross section drawing (sometimes called elevation view) is a scale drawing that shows the side, front, or rear of the proposed activity.  The section view depicts the proposed structure as it would appear if cut internally and displayed. 

The section view drawing must clearly show the following:

  • Title Block, with all required information – see above
  • Water elevations – as shown in the plan view drawing
  • Water depth at waterward face of proposed activity OR if dredging is proposed, dredging and estimated disposal grades
  • Dimensions from Mean High water line or proposed fill or float; describe any structures to be build on the platform
  • Cross section of excavation or fill – include approximate side slopes
  • Graphic or numerical scale
  • Principal dimensions of the activity
  • Name of waterbody (river, creek, stream, pond, lake, wetland, etc)