Home > About > Directorates & Offices > Regional Business Directorate > Business Resources Division

Business Resources Division

The Business Resources Division is responsible for the direction and control of financial, manpower and other resources.  It involves budgeting, finance and accounting, force development, management engineering and operations research.  The focus is on the wise and legal acquisition, allocation, accountability and use of money, plant and people resources.

Contact Information

Chief, Business Resources Division
(469) 487-7116

Regional Resource Management Branch
Regional Resource Manager
(469) 487-7133
Manpower Analyst
(469) 487-7134
Resource Management Analyst
(469) 487-7138

Accounting Branch
Finance and Accounting Officer
(469) 487-7131
Accounting Technician
(469) 487-7117

Budget Branch
Budget Officer
(469) 487-7137
Budget Analyst
(469) 487-7135/7132

Management Analyst
(469) 487-7106

Website Content Manager
(469) 487-7106

Email: Resource Management