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Forms and Publications

 Jurisdictional Determinations     

Request a Jurisdictional Determination

Permit Appilcation Information

Activities within the Cumberland River Basin, use ENG FORM 4345.  

Please continue to use ENG Form 4345, dated Dec 2014 (Expires on 30 Sep 2015) until further notice. When the expiration date is extended, this form will be updated with a new expiration date.

Activities within the Tennessee River Basin, use Joint Corps of Engineers/TVA Application Form.

Further assistance in filling out an application can be found here: Let us help you fill out a permit application 

Regional Permits

Regional Conditions for Nationwide Permits (2012 NWPs)

Regional Conditions for Nationwide Permits

  • Alabama
  • Kentucky
  • Mississippi
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia



  • Notice to Navigation Interests Data Form (Fillable)

Public Notice Mailing List Registration

  • Registration Form (Fillable)

    State Forms

Permits Issued

Click Here to View the Standard Permits Issued in the Nashville District
(Please Select LRN for the Nashville District, then Select a Timeframe)

Report A Violation

Waterbody Data Forms

Wetland Publications