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Section 14
Emergency Streambank and Shoreline Protection

Section 14 of the Flood Control Act of 1946, as amended

What the Corps of Engineers Can Do:
The Corps of Engineers is authorized to construct bank protection works to protect endangered highways, highway bridge approaches, and other essential, important public works, such as municipal water supply systems and sewage disposal plants, churches, hospitals, schools, and non-profit public services and known cultural sites that are endangered by flood-caused bank or shoreline erosion. Privately owned property and facilities are not eligible for protection under this authority.

Study Process:
The first $100,000 of the Planning Design Analysis (PDA) phase (normally limited to 12 months) is a Federal expense. All PDA costs after the first $100,000 are cost shared 50/50. All construction costs are cost shared 65% Federal and 35% non-Federal. Each project is limited to a total Federal cost of $1.5 million.

Responsibility of Project Sponsor:
Formal assurance in the form of a Project Partnership Agreement must be executed with the project sponsor. The Corps of Engineers would oversee project construction; however, once constructed, the operation and maintenance of the project would be the responsibility of the project sponsor. The sponsor must contribute 35 percent of the total project implementation cost as cash or Lands, Easements, Rights-of-way, Relocations, and Disposal areas (LERRDs). If the value of the LERRDs plus the cash contribution does not equal or exceed 35 percent of the project cost, the sponsor must pay the additional amount necessary so that the sponsor’s total contribution equals 35 percent of the project cost.

How to Request Assistance:
An investigation of a prospective emergency streambank or shoreline protection project under Section 14 can be initiated upon receipt of a request from a sponsoring agency empowered under State law to provide local partnership.

Project requests should be directed to (309) 794-5340.