Gavins Point Dam - Omaha District US Army Corps of Engineers


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Quality Management

The US Army Corps of Engineers requires all contractors performing construction for them to comply with the “Contractor Quality Control”, provisions in their contracts. In the early development of the CQC system, there was considerable misunderstanding as to what was required and who was responsible for it.

In cooperation with the construction industry, the Corps developed a training course entitled “Construction Quality Management for Contractors”. The purpose of this course is to familiarize all quality management personnel with the Corps construction quality management policies and procedures. The course details the requirements of the government and contractor personnel assigned to the project and the reasons for those requirements.

The effectiveness of the CQM system is enhanced when all personnel are aware of their responsibilities and the reasons for them. To ensure the success of the CQC system, every Corps construction contract stipulates that the contractor’s quality control representative is required to have this training. This course is offered throughout the year by many Corps offices across the nation.

The certificate issued upon successful completion of the CQM class is good for 5 years and is valid for Corps, Navy and other federal agency projects. It is recommended that contractors review contract specifications to ensure changes have not been made to the requirements.

The Omaha District training classes are 8 hours long and the registration cost is $125.00 per student. In the state of Colorado, we partner with the Rocky Mountain/ABC to offer the training and classes are $185 per student.

Construction Quality Management for Contractors

The classes listed below are offered within the next few months. To see the complete course listing for the current year, click the link at the left of the page or click "Full Schedule" below the class dates listed below.
Foster Electric Corporation
1220 Valley St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
POC: Kim Grosel
Phone #: 303-832-5812
November 9, 2016
Registration Begins: 
October 12, 2016
Class = 8am - 4pm 
Registration = $185/student
 Full schedule...