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Time to Register for the Trauma Spectrum Conference

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What’s the Trauma Spectrum Conference?

The Trauma Spectrum Conference is hosted to address the range of disorders caused by trauma. This year’s conference will focus on emerging research on polytrauma recovery and reintegration of service members, veterans and their families. DCoE, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), will host this two-day event, Dec. 7-8, 2010 in Bethesda, Md. Click here to register.

What is Polytrauma?

Polytrauma is defined as two or more injuries, sustained in the same incident, that affect multiple body parts or organ systems and result in physical, cognitive, psychological and/or psychosocial impairments and functional disabilities. Visit the VA Polytrauma System of Care for more information.

This year’s conference will use the lens of emerging research on polytrauma and its impact on those not only affected with multiple injuries but their support networks as well, to:

  • Discuss emerging research for traumatic brain injury, psychological health conditions, vision and eye injuries, hearing injuries, extremity injuries and amputations.
  • Present emerging treatments in support of polytrauma recovery and reintegration.
  • Inform practice regarding the needs of caregivers and families dealing with a polytrauma patient.
  • Address health, psychosocial, gender, cultural, geographic and other disparities that may impact diagnosis, care, treatment and recovery concerns around polytrauma.
  • Raise awareness for future development of treatments, practices and policies.

Health care professionals, clinicians, service members, veterans, family members, caregivers, members of academia, researchers, and federal and non-federal agencies are all encouraged to attend the 2010 Trauma Spectrum Conference. Stay tuned for the conference agenda, including a list of presenters, and a Twitter polling question. We will live-tweet from the event using #TSC2010. Follow us on Twitter @DCoEPage for updates.

For information on last year's conference, including presentations, please click here.

Don’t miss out, register now!

Comments (1)

  • Amy Tursky 05 Sep

    I am interested in getiing TBI research into the DTIC TR database.

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