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  • DCoE Director on Resilience: The Power of Healing, Forgiveness

    Read the full story: DCoE Director on Resilience: The Power of Healing, Forgiveness
    Navy Captain Richard F. Stoltz

    Navy Capt. Richard F. Stoltz, Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) director, spoke to health care professionals about the role of resilience in handling life’s curve balls--particularly for service members, veterans and their families who have faced extraordinarily difficult situations--at the 2014 conference of the Society for Federal Health Professionals (AMSUS).

    During his presentation, Stoltz highlighted several things to consider when developing healthy resilience strategies. He concluded with his thoughts about the power of healing and forgiveness.

  • DCoE Blog Best of 2014: Posts Worth Re-reading

    Read the Full Story: DCoE Blog Best of 2014: Posts Worth Re-reading

    It was “Rapid” Robert Feller, National Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher and the first Major League Baseball player to enlist in World War II, who said, "Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again.”

    Throughout the year, we worked to apply that philosophy to our blog posts. Whether we highlighted new coping tools to help you or your loved one recover from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), different techniques to help surmount posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or more effective treatments, therapies and practices, the DCoE Blog team strived to feature important information for you and your family.

  • DVBIC Director Explains TBI Pathway of Care: Roles, Functions

    Read the Full Story: DVBIC Director Explains TBI Pathway of Care: Roles, Functions
    Col. Sidney R. Hinds

    This blog post is the final part of a two-part series on the TBI Pathway of Care

    Col. Sidney R. Hinds, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) national director, spoke to health care professionals about the Traumatic Brain Injury Pathway of Care at the recent 2014 conference of the Society for Federal Health Professionals (AMSUS).

    DVBIC serves as the Defense Department lead agency on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and manages the TBI Pathway of Care for the Military Health System (MHS).

    The previous DCoE Blog post about TBI Pathway of Care focused on the nature and purpose of the pathway. This post outlines specific DVBIC roles and functions relative to management of the pathway.

  • DCoE Director on Resilience: Considering Truth, Trust, Trauma

    Read the full story: DCoE Director on Resillience: Considering Truth, Trust, Trauma
    Navy Captain Richard F. Stoltz

    Navy Capt. Richard F. Stoltz, Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) director, spoke to health care professionals about the role of resilience in handling life’s curve balls--particularly for service members, veterans and their families who have faced extraordinarily difficult situations--at the 2014 conference of the Society for Federal Health Professionals (AMSUS).

    Stoltz shared that when people accept personal truths, trust others, and prepare for the possibility of trauma they are more likely to stay resilient.

  • Bah Humbug: Do You Need a Break from the Holidays?

    Read the full story:  Bah Humbug: Do You Need a Break from the Holidays?

    If you find yourself occasionally disliking the fuss and furor around winter holidays, you’re not alone. Sunday marks Bah Humbug Day, a day when it’s officially OK to vent your frustrations.

    Even if you love the holiday season, sometimes it’s good to step back for a bit, experts say. It’s important to have time and space that isn’t already programmed, according to Jeffrey Rhodes, spiritual fitness program manager at the Defense Centers of Excellence for Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health (DCoE).

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  • DVBIC Director Explains TBI Pathway of Care

    Read the full post:  DVBIC Director Explains TBI Pathway of Care
    Col. Sidney R. Hinds

    Col. Sidney R. Hinds, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) national director, spoke to health care professionals about the Traumatic Brain Injury Pathway of Care at the recent 2014 conference of the Society for Federal Health Professionals (AMSUS).

    DVBIC serves as the Defense Department lead agency on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and manages the TBI Pathway of Care for the Military Health System (MHS).