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CHIPS Articles: Inside the U.S. Navy’s Silent Service (Video)

Inside the U.S. Navy’s Silent Service (Video)
By U.S. Navy - November 4, 2015
For enemies of the United States, the U.S. Navy is a frightening adversary; but perhaps the most frightening thing about it is the fact that at any given moment, the Navy’s submarine force is patrolling the deep, carrying deadly weapons and skilled crews anywhere they are needed.

The submarine force can operate in any environment, from the icy seas of the Arctic to the deep oceans of the world. It can accomplish a variety of missions as well, including long-range missile attacks, special forces delivery, anti-ship and submarine warfare, and many top secret missions.

Watch this video to learn more.

From Navy Live Blog, the official blog of the U.S. Navy:

U.S. Navy image of submarine
U.S. Navy image of submarine
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