
Grays Harbor Long Term Maintenance Strategy

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated the Long-Term Management Strategy study because of the recognition that shoreline erosion in the vicinity of the South Jetty could again result in the breaching of the landmass adjacent to the jetty and adversely impact the federal navigation project.  The objective of the Long-Term Management Strategy study is to assess the risk that such a breach may occur, to evaluate the threat of adverse impact to the Grays Harbor Navigation Project resulting from any breach, and – if action is determined to be warranted – assess and recommend the most appropriate long-term strategy for continued maintenance of the authorized Grays Harbor navigation project features. The Corps is seeking public and agency comments on the Draft Letter Report, including the draft Environmental Assessment that is included in the Report, regarding a proposed Long Term Management Strategy. 

This LTMS study is being conducted under the Corps’ authority to operate and maintain the completed federal navigation project in the most efficient and effective manner.  The current investigation is being completed at 100 percent federal cost. The study area under consideration includes those project features and adjacent environment affected by the erosion.  The area includes the south jetty, revetment, navigation channel, South Beach, Half Moon Bay, and east to Whitcomb Flats.