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Electronic Permit Guidebook

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Commonly Used Forms and Information Papers

Note: Documents are in the pdf format unless otherwise noted.  For documents in WORD, instead of "opening" the document, use the "save" function to utilize the document.

Alternatives Analysis Framework

As-Built / Status Report for Mitigation Work Completion Form (for non-wetland mitigation sites) (pdf version) (Word version)

Appeal Process Fact Sheet 

Certificate of Compliance Form - Statement of Compliance Form (pdf version) (Word version)  

Clean Water Act Laws, Extracts, and Definitions  

Clean Water Act and Rivers and Harbors Act Laws, Extracts, and Definitions   

Coastal Zone Management Form - Certificate of Consistency with the Washington State Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program (pdf version) (Word version)  

Compensatory Mitigation Plan Contents and Checklist

Components of a Complete Eelgrass Delineation and Characterization Report

Components of a Complete Wetland Delineation Report 

Components of a Mitigation Plan per the Final Rule

Drawing Checklist  (pdf version)  (Word version)   

Eelgrass Delineation Requirements

EPA's Best Management Practices for Piling Removal 

General Implementation Conditions for Phase I Programmatic ESA Consultation 

Gold Mining - Recreational: Typically a Corps permit is not required for recreational gold mining provided the activity meets the requirements of Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Gold and Fish Pamphlet  

Guidance to Applicants for DA Permits (How to respond to public notice comments) 

JARPA - Permit Application Form Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application. Here is the link to the "One-Stop Permitting Service" where you can download the latest version of the JARPA.  This is a State of Washington website with a lot of great information on when you need a permit and how to fill out the JARPA form.   

Key Elements of the Federal Rule and the Joint Agency Guidance on Mitigation

Mitigation Completion (As-built) Status Report (for riparian planting sites) (pdf version) (Word version)

Mitigation Planting Monitoring Report Format (for wetland mitigation site)  

Mitigation Planting Monitoring Report Form (for riparian planting sites) (pdf version) (Word version)  

Recording a permit and/or mitigation on a property deed

Regional General Permits (RGP) Full Text and Application Form, Application Form Only, Status Report Form, Monitoring Report Form  

Reporting an Alleged Violation Form (pdf Version)  (Word version)  

Riparian Planting Plan Requirements

Tributary and Wetland Information Form (Word version)  

Wetland Delineation Data Form for Arid West Supplement Version 2.0 (Word version)  

Wetland Delineation Data Form for WMVC Supplement Version 2.0 (Word version)