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Philadelphia Regional Technical Library

The Philadelphia Regional Technical Library is located in the Philadelphia Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The current Library facility, which was redesigned and expanded in 2002, occupies approximately 1300 square feet of commercial space on the seventh floor of the historic John Wanamaker Building in center city Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Technical Library supports the engineering and other research activities as well as the day-to-day information needs of its user groups, primarily engineers and other scientists of the Corps' Philadelphia and New York Districts: North Atlantic Division Headquarters; and Marine Design Center.


The Technical Library collection includes books, journals, government documents and reports, and electronic resources. The broad subject matter of the collection is engineering and water: rivers; harbors; lakes; and structures related to water: dams and bridges.


The Technical Library is the hub for providing answers to information queries, help with research, document identification and retrieval, and literature searches. Other services include interlibrary loans, selective dissemination of information and database development.

Special Resources

The conference table in the Technical Library may be reserved for small group meetings or group research projects.


The Technical Library is open to Corps staff "24/7."  Every item in the Technical Library, including reference books, CDs, uncataloged reports, and legislative materials, may be borrowed.  Professional research and information search assistance is provided by the technical information specialist during regular business hours. Although the Technical Library is primarily for Corps of Engineers staff, we welcome outside users with specific information and research needs, by appointment.

Special Publications


Contact Library

Philadelphia Regional
Technical Library
100 Penn Square E.
Philadelphia, PA 19107