Albuquerque District Header




Section POC

  • Please contact General Engineering discipline lead.

General Project Startup

Level Name Tables

Model File Names: Survey and Mapping

  • Model File Names for Survey - Zip File includes all of the following:
  • Survey - Demolition Plan, survdemo.lvl
  • Survey - Survey and Mapping Plan, survplan.lvl
  • Survey - Elevations, survelev.lvl
  • Survey - Sections, survsect.lvl

Model File Names: Civil and Site

  • Model File Names for Civil/Site - Zip File includes all of the following:
  • Civil - Demolition Plan, civdemo.lvl
  • Civil - Site, civsite.lvl
  • Civil - Grading Plan, civgrad.lvl
  • Civil - Transportation Site Plan, civtran.lvl
  • Civil - Airfield Plan, civair.lvl
  • Civil - Elevations, civelev.lvl
  • Civil - Sections, civsect.lvl
  • Civil - Details, civdetl.lvl

Sheet File Names

  • General Engineering Cover and Border Sheet Files - Zip File:
  • Note: Reference files (xrefs) used by (Civil) General Engineering will use levels/layers in accordance with the discipline creating them.

Level Color and Weight Assignments

  • Albuquerque District plots by weight and not color as identified in our posted HPGL plot configuration files.

Text Descriptions and Use

  • Use only Font 1 for Civil plates.

Dimension Settings

Cell Libraries

  • Cell Libraries - Zip File includes all of the following:
  • 3D Cells, civil3d.cdx & civil3d.cel
  • Survey Site Cells, civilsite.cdx & civilsite.cel
  • Standard Civil Cells, civilworks.cdx & civilworks.cel
  • Standard Military Cells, military.cdx & military.cel

MDL Commands/Tools