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About the Superior Steel Site

Superior Steel Site

The former Superior Steel Site, located in Scott Township, Pennsylvania, processed uranium metal in support of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) fuel-element development program from 1952 to 1957. The site was also licensed from 1957 to 1958 to receive thorium metal for processing and shaping. The primary AEC operations performed at the Superior Steel Site consisted of salt bathing, rolling, brushing, shaping, cutting, stamping, and coiling of uranium metal. Records indicate that natural and enriched uranium were processed at the site. Recycled uranium from reprocessed spent nuclear fuel may also have been processed onsite.


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It was determined in February 2006 that the former Superior Steel Company site would be investigated to determine its eligibility for inclusion into the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). A Preliminary Assessment was completed in February 2007 which concluded that the site was used for AEC activities that supported the Nation’s early atomic energy program, and further investigation was recommended to determine the extent and nature of AEC-related contamination and the associated risks to human health and the environment.

A Remedial Investigation of the Superior Steel Site will be initiated in fiscal year 2014.

The US Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District welcomes your input at any time. Our goal is to offer timely and meaningful opportunities for public input to our projects and to promote the dissemination of project information to the community. Public involvement activities complement the Corps' mission to address environmental contamination at the Superior Steel Site from past Manhattan Engineer District and Atomic Energy Commission activities.

You are welcome to contact us. If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Superior Steel Site, please send an e-mail to fusrap@usace.army.mil. You may also mail a letter to:

USACE, Buffalo District
Attn: Environmental Project Management Team - Outreach
1776 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14207

or call us at 1-800-833-6390 (option 4).

Preliminary Assessment, Superior Steel Site (Feb 2007)

Eligibility Letter, Former Superior Steel Company (Feb 2006)

(All document files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.)

To request specific FUSRAP documents, please fill out this Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Form and submit it to the Buffalo District FOIA Coordinator listed on the form.