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State Programmatic General Permits

A State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) is a type of permit that is administered by a state agency and designed to eliminate duplication of effort between Corps districts and states, as well as to make the permitting process more efficient with flexibility as to the geographic region covered and whether nationwide permits are revoked.

Because SPGPs are designed to continue to authorize certain activities previously covered by the Nationwide Permit (NWP) program, the Corps of Engineers has suspended many of the NWPs which are applicable to activities qualifying for SPGP authorization. The Corps' Regulatory process is streamlined and eliminates redundancy through joint administration and integration with state processes.

If a SPGP becomes void, enjoined, revoked, or removed from effect for any reason, the Corps will consider reissuance of some or all of the suspended NWPs.

State Programmatic General Permits (SPGPs) are issued by the District Engineer for a general category of activities when the following conditions are met:

  • The activities are similar in nature and cause minimal environmental impact (both individually and cumulatively), and
  • The regional permit reduces duplication of regulatory control by state and Federal agencies. 


Section 404(e) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 United States Code [U.S.C.] Section [§] 1344) allows for the issuance of general permits on a statewide basis, which operate in conjunction with a State regulatory program that protects the aquatic environment in a manner equivalent to the Department of the Army regulatory program, provided that the activities permitted under each category of such general permits are similar in nature and result in no more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment. This Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit # 4 (PASPGP-4) is issued pursuant to Section 404(e) and is based on and consistent with the requirements of the CWA 404(b)(1) Guidelines.

PASPGP-4 Documents

    Permit Documents

  • Public Notice announcing the issuance of the Pennsylvania State Progrmamatic General Permit 4 for a period of five years, effective July 1, 2011.

            PASPGP-4 Monitoring Report

  • In accordance with the PASPGP-4, the Corps, with recommendations from the resource agencies evaluated the PASPGP-4, including its terms and conditions, to determine if:

    a. The PASPGP-4 has met its intended goal of reducing duplication;
    b. Authorizations/verifications comply with applicable laws and regulations;
    c. Only projects with minimal adverse environmental effects were verified; and
    d. If reissuance, modification, suspension, or revocation of the PASPGP is appropriate

    Based on the information evaluated for the time period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013, the Corps has determined that the work authorized by the PASPGP-4 is in compliance with the Clean water Act (CWA) 404(b)(1) Guidelines and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Therefore, continuation of the PASPGP-4 and reissuance of a SPGP in Pennsylvania is justified. Please click here to view the PASPGP-4 Monitoring Report dated July 25, 2014.


The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform the public that the Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit-5 (PASPGP-5) has been issued for a 5-year period by Colonel Edward P. Chamberlayne, Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Bliss, and Colonel Bernard R. Lindstrom of the Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Districts respectively. The PASPGP-5 will be implemented and in full effect in the applicable portions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on July 1, 2016.



New Jersey SPGP 17


 This general permit authorizes the construction of structures; performance of work and the discharge of dredged and fill material in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons and their access channel. The terms "structure" and "work" are defined in Federal regulations contained in 33 CFR 322.2[b] & [c]. The terms “discharge of dredged material”, “fill material” and “discharge of fill material” are defined in Federal regulations contained in 33 CFR 323.2[d], [e] & [f]. “Substantially developed” artificial tidal lagoons are those where the surrounding lands are uplands and do not support wetlands other than a narrow band of fringe wetlands along the waterline. Lagoons are defined as artificially created linear waterways sometimes branched, ending in a dead end with no significant upland drainage. A natural waterway, which is altered by activities including, but not limited to, filling, channelizing, or bulkheading shall not be considered a lagoon. A bulkheaded boat slip shall not be considered a lagoon.


This general permit is applicable to Waters of the United States in the State of New Jersey located in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons and their access channel within the geographic boundaries of both the Philadelphia District and the New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

NJSPGP 19 (December 31, 2014)


Construction of proposed and maintenance of existing non-commercial piers, docks, gangway/ramps, stairs/ladders, mooring piles, boat lifts, breakwaters, the replacement of existing serviceable bulkheads and minor maintenance dredging of mooring slips. This general permit also authorizes the discharge of fill material between existing and proposed bulkheads as well as legalization of previously existing structures provided the structures meet all terms and conditions of this permit.


Navigable waters of the United States in the State of New Jersey. This general permit is applicable to navigable waters located within the geographic boundaries of both the Philadelphia District and the New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Delaware SPGP

Delaware SPGP 18 - Public Notice announcing issuance of DESPGP 18


This general permit authorizes the construction of structures, performance of work, and the discharge of dredged and fill material in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons, and their access channels.  The terms "structure" and "work" are defined in Federal regulations contained in 33 CFR 322.2(b) & (c).  The terms "discharge of dredged material," "fill material," and "discharge of fill material" are defined in Federal regulations contained in 33 CFR 323.2(d), (e), and (f).  "Substantially developed" artificial tidal lagoons are those artificial tidal lagoosn at which the surrounding lands are uplands and do not support wetlands other than a narrow band of fringe wetlands along the waterline. Lagoons are defined as artificially created linear waterways, sometimes branched, terminating in a dead end with no significant upland drainage.  A natural waterway, which is altered by activities including, but not limited to, filling, channelizing, or bulkheading shall not be considered a lagoon.  A bulkheaded boat slip shall not be considrered a lagoon. 


This general permit is applicable to navigable waters of the United States located in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons and their access channels within the geographic boundaries of the State of Delaware. 

Delaware SPGP 20 - Public Notice announcing issuance of revised DE SPGP 20 (December 31, 2014)


Construction of new and the maintenance of existing non-commercial piers, docks, gangway/ramps, stairs/ladders, mooring piles, boat lifts, modular floating platforms for jet skis and larger vessels, breakwaters, and the replacement of existing serviceable bulkheads 


This general permit is applicable to navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Delaware except as noted in the terms of authorization.