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Levee logoPublic safety is the priority of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Levee Safety Program. Levees provide tremendous benefits to communities and contributed to preventing more than $120 billion of damages nationally in 2011. Program staff works to better understand, manage and reduce the flood risks associated with levees.

At Portland District, we manage many activities to assess the reliability and capability of levees within District boundaries. We recommend courses of action to help ensure that levee systems do not present unacceptable risks to the public, property and environment. We also work to inform stakeholders that levees and levee systems do not remove all risks from flooding. Levee safety and communicating risk is a shared responsibility among federal, state, local and private partners. This is extremely important so that individuals can participate in public safety decisions. Overall, the Corps’ levee safety program provides continuous feedback about levee systems through rigorous inspections and assessments.

Contact us

Phone: 503-808-4510

Email: portlandleveesafety@usace.army.mil

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Levee Safety principles

  • Levees do not eliminate flood risk, but can provide critical time for local emergency management officials to evacuate residents safely. 
  • It is important to communicate accurate and timely information about the risk of living and working behind levees. Communicating risk-related issues and concerns, holding life safety as paramount, supports Corps and local decisions aimed at reducing risk. 
  • Levee safety is a component of a broader flood risk management approach. Levee safety actions should be incorporated into a community's Hazard Mitigation Plan. 
  • A sustainable, systems and collaborative approach is the most effective way to manage and assess levees and other flood risk reduction methods. 
  • Levee safety and managing risks are shared responsibilities. With this, the Corps works closely with federal, state and local partners to share information and develop solutions. Intersection of Levee Responsibilities Diagram

Click above for a larger version of the Levee Intersection Diagram