Vicksburg District


A Quick Word about our Saftey Plus Program

The SAFETY PLUS program for construction contractor safety was originally launched in the Vicksburg District in fiscal year 1999. Positive results have been noted since its inception, including a significant decline in accidents among our contractors. In fiscal year 2003, the District completed the entire year with zero lost time accidents -- a huge first for the Vicksburg District. Then, calendar year 2006 was worked accident free, leading up to reaching 1 million man-hours without a lost time accident in April 2007. From July 2007 through May 2009, the District worked accident free to again achieve 1 million man-hours without a lost time accident--- eventually approaching nearly 1.5 million construction contractor man-hours before recording a lost time incident. These statistics show our sincere commitment to safety!

Despite these successes, any accident or even a close call reinforces the need to remain diligent in our safety efforts. Even one accident is too many. It is with this mind-set that the Vicksburg District is re-launching the SAFETY PLUS program in FY2013!