
Albeni Falls Camground News

Albeni Falls Dam Campground News is written by Park Ranger Linda Lamb and brought to you by the Ranger Staff at Albeni Falls Dam. Letters will be posted frequently throughout the year regarding recreation news at the Albeni Falls Dam Project. To receive this newsletter by email, please contact Ranger Lamb at and she will add you to her email list.

December 31, 2015

Happy New Year to you all, a few hours early. I hope your winter has been ok so far.

It is obvious to me that those folks who are interested in Riley Creek have been hard at working getting your reservations. Memorial Day looks totally booked and then there is a two week lull that still has sites available. Starting June 20th it is slim pick-ins! I wanted to remind everyone that the three other parks (Albeni Cove, Priest River and Springy Point) are wide open for reservations at this time.

A few reminders. Reservations can be made 6 months from the reservation date. A reservation cannot be made before 7 a.m. PDT during the winter for the 6 months out reservation date (so don't stay up until midnight to get a site, it won't be available). Fees have not changed this year. If your bill doesn't look right let me know. We do not have a requirement of three days on a holiday and two days on a weekend so if the system requires it, let me know.

Any questions, you can always call or e-mail me. Have a wonderful rest of your winter and we look forward to seeing you in the summer.

July 13, 2015

Stage II fire restrictions are going to be implemented for our area starting at 11:59 PM this evening. There will be no campfires, charcoal fires, candles or tiki torches allowed under this restriction. Any open flames except propane stoves are not allowed. If a grill is to be used it must in the impact area either on the picnic table or in/on the fire ring. Cigarette smoking must be confined to either a vehicle or the three foot circle of the fire ring. A container of water must be maintained at the campsite at all times.

Thanks for your patience and helping keep our beautiful campgrounds safe. Any questions should be directed to the Visitor Center at 208-437-4617.

June 22, 2015

Hello everyone! By the temperature you would think that summer is already here. It is supposed to get up to 100 + degrees by the weekend. You will be happy to know that all boat ramps are open and as of tomorrow all beaches will have their swim lines up, barring unforeseen circumstances.

I know you have been wondering about Springy Point. Both lift stations were completely redone and everything appears to be working perfectly. What does that mean to you? Showers are open and available!

As Murphy's law would have it we are having a minor problem with the Mudhole's lift station which is why some of you have noticed that the dump station has been occasionally closed. The good news is it is not the pumps which appear to be working fine. We hope that we can continue to troubleshoot the system without shutting down the dump station.

So as I am writing this, and watching two ospreys chase an immature eagle, I hope that I have answered your most burning questions leading into the summer season. But if I have not, you may e-mail or call me per usual.

Hope to see you soon!