Joint Chiefs of Staff

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September 19, 2012 — ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the chairman of the board for the Air Force Association, Sandy Schlitt. (Applause.)SANDY SCHLITT: Great day, great day. There will be Q-and-A, so the folks going through the aisles, we’re going to give you plenty of time for Q-and-A if you have the questions.Our next speaker serves as the 18th  more…
September 06, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Have a seat, have a seat.You really shouldn’t stand up until you hear what I have to say. (Laughter.) OK, here it is: the world is a dangerous place – (laughter) – we need to be ready, we need to be more affordable and we need to find ways to work together more effectively. OK, that’s pretty much it. (Cheers, applause.) The  more…
September 06, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Thanks, Joe. I got a little nervous there – (laughter) – when you said, foremost among my attributes. You know, if you’ve been on YouTube, you could take that almost any place in the world. (Laughter). But thanks for sticking inside the white lines for me. (Laughter.) Good morning, everybody, ambassadors, distinguished  more…