Joint Chiefs of Staff

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January 31, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY: Good morning, everyone. And I want to add my thanks for all of you for being here. Deanie and I are deeply honored to be part of this ceremony to ‘whistle you over the side,’ in a reference to Admiral Mullen, my immediate predecessor as the chairman. I’ll tell you, the – just to repeat what Grace said, people were telling  more…
January 26, 2012 — Note: This event immediately followed a Major Budget Decisions Briefing presented by Defense Secretary Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey. DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ASHTON CARTER: OK, well, welcome again. I'm not going to try to repeat everything that's been said before. We're really here to answer your questions.  more…
January 26, 2012 — SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LEON PANETTA: Good afternoon, everybody.As all of you know, this department has undertaken a very fundamental review of its defense strategy and of our spending priorities.The reasons for the review are clear. First of all, we are at a strategic turning point after a decade of war and after a very substantial growth in the  more…
January 21, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Thanks for that very warm welcome. Deanie and I always feel as though we’re coming home when we return here to West Point.A couple of thoughts as I begin. First, based on the weather, I personally think, Supe, that in future years we maybe ought to celebrate 400th night. [laughter.] Might have a little better chance of some  more…
January 20, 2012 — LIEUTENANT GENERAL GEORGE FLYNN: You’re enthusiastic about Friday. I’m even more enthusiastic about Friday.COMMANDER SCOTT MCILNAY: OK. Well, first of all, good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m Commander Scott McIlnay, the – a public affairs officer in the chairman’s public affairs office. Thank you for coming this morning. We have the pleasure  more…
January 12, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Thanks very much, President Brodhead. I have to tell you, nobody has referred to me as a young man in a long time. I heard you say, you know, “bringing young people back here to Duke University.” So, in the spirit of it, I’d like to declare you not the commander in chief, but rather the supreme allied commander of Durham.  more…
January 05, 2012 — “As Chairman, it is my responsibility to work with the Joint Chiefs to ensure that the armed forces of the United States keep America immune from coercion. The Strategy just described by the President and the Secretary of Defense enables us to fulfill that responsibility. It sustains the sacred trust put in us by the American people -- to defend  more…
January 05, 2012 — “As Chairman, it is my responsibility to work with the JointChiefs to ensure that the armed forces of the United States keep America immunefrom coercion. The Strategy just described by the President and the Secretaryof Defense enables us to fulfill that responsibility. It sustains the sacredtrust put in us by the American people -- to  more…
January 05, 2012 — PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Good morning, everybody.The United States of America is the greatest force for freedom and security that the world has ever known. And in no small measure, that's because we've built the best-trained, best-led, best-equipped military in history. And as commander in chief, I'm going to keep it that way.Indeed, all of us on  more…