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Sediment Managment Annual Review Meeting (SMARM)

 Edmonds ferry

The 28th SMARM was held on May 4, 2016.              

SMARM is a joint meeting of the Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) and the Washington Department of Ecology's Sediment Management Standards (SMS) program.  SMARM is always a public meeting with anyone interested invited to attend.  It is held annually on the first Wednesday of May. 

No comments were received on any SMARM papers this year.  All papers have now been finalized and implemented.  See below for finalized papers, or see all programs clarifications over the years on the Program Updates page.

SMARM 2016: Finalized Clarification Papers

The following proposals were presented at SMARM 2016.  No comments on the proposed updates were submitted by the closing date of June 3, 2016.  All papers were thus implemented as originally written.  Links below are to finalized papers. 

SMARM 2016 - Agenda and Presentations

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Coffee and Registration




Justine Barton, EPA


Opening Remarks

Amy Reese, Chief

Operations Division, USACE


Session 1:  State of the DMMP – Management Discussion


Origin and Evolution of DMMP

Justine Barton, EPA &

David Fox, USACE


Legislative Proviso for Management Review of DMMP

Jim Pendowski, Ecology





Session 2:  Dredging Year 2016:  Agency Actions and Updates


Updates on Toxics Cleanup Program’s Budget, Policy and Cleanup Site Developments, and SCUM II revisions.

Chance Asher, Ecology


Update on 2015 DMMP Clarification and Issue Papers

Kelsey van der Elst, USACE


DMMP Project Evaluation Activities – Dredging Year 2016

Heather Fourie, USACE


Lunch – on your own



Session 3:  Disposal Sites, Projects and Issues


Disposal Site Management and Monitoring, A/K Trawl Study Results, and ESA Consultation

Celia Barton, DNR &

David Fox, USACE


Public Issue Paper:  Bulk sediment TBT trigger – Basis?

Susie McGroddy, Windward Environmental


Mukilteo Multimodal:  Dredging of Site with Extensive Debris

Marsha Tolon, WashDOT


Applying 2013 SMS Rule to the DMMP:  PAHs as an Example

Laura Inouye, Ecology




Session 4:  Proposals, Clarifications and Updates


Proposed Clarification:  Updated Dioxin Testing Requirements for Dispersive Disposal Sites in Puget Sound

Kelsey van der Elst, USACE


Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material Update

Kelsey van der Elst, USACE


Proposed Clarification:  Revised Evaluation Guidelines for Benzyl Alcohol in Marine Sediments

Heather Fourie, USACE


Proposed Clarification:  Adoption of Elements of SEF for Use in DMMP

David Fox, USACE

3:15 - 3:30

Summary & Adjourn Meeting

Justine Barton, EPA

SMARM Definitions

SMARM Definitions: All changes to the DMMP program since its inception have been through the SMARM process: papers proposing updates are presented, public comments are taken, and proposals are then adopted as originally presented, modified based on comments, or not implemented at all.

DMMP identifies three kinds of papers: Issue, Clarification and Status.

  • Issue papers propose program-level changes that require approval by all four DMMP agencies in order to implement.
  • Clarification papers propose updates and modifications to existing guidance that do not substantively change program or policy.
  • Status papers are for information only. Status papers may report on current investigations that may eventually result in an Issue or Clarification, or they may simply be information of interest to stakeholders.

ARM and SMARM Meeting Summaries

Summaries from all Annual Review Meetings (all in PDF format).  In 1995 the Annual Review Meetings (ARM) were combined with Ecology's Sediment Management Program to become Sediment Management Annual Review Meeting (SMARM). 

These links download large PDF files. 

2016 SMARM
  • 2015 SMARM
  • 2014 SMARM
  • 2013 SMARM
  • 2012 SMARM
  • 2011 SMARM
  • 2010 SMARM
  • 2009 SMARM
  • 2008 SMARM
  • 2007 SMARM
  • 2006 SMARM
  • 2005 SMARM
  • 2004 SMARM
  • 2003 SMARM
  • 2002 SMARM
  • 2001 SMARM
  • 2000 SMARM
  • 1999 SMARM
  • 1998 SMARM
  • 1997 SMARM
  • 1996 SMARM
  • 1995 SMARM
  • 1994 ARM
  • 1993 ARM
  • 1992 ARM
  • 1991 ARM
  • 1990 ARM
  • 1989 1st ARM 
  • Contact the DMMO


    Mailing Address Seattle District
    Dredged Material Management Office
    PO Box 3755
    Seattle, WA 98124-3755
    Phones 206-764-6083