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SWD Regional Water Center

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The SWD Regional Water Center is composed of engineers and hydrologists at the Southwestern Division RCC and at Fort Worth, Little Rock, Galveston, and Tulsa Districts.  The SWD RCC staff coordinates SWD reservoir control functions and hydrologic activities in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers directives and increases effectiveness of reservoirs and related works under routine and critical operating conditions.

When extreme hydrologic situations develop such as flood or drought, considerable judgment and experience are required to efficiently manage Corps dams and reservoirs. Weather conditions, reservoir storage capacities and the flood levels of rivers are important factors when operating dams that maximize benefits provided by multipurpose reservoir systems. The nature of Southern Plains and Gulf Coast weather requires the region's dams and reservoirs be professionally managed by trained engineers and hydrologists.

The SWD Regional Water Center carries out its responsibilities by

* Organizing  coordinating committees and/or participating in committees to accomplish mutual understanding among water interests regarding use and regulation of water resources.

* Providing interbasin coordination of day-to-day regulation needs for river systems for all purposes.

* Surveillance of daily operations and continuous analysis of project needs.

* Furnishing technical assistance to personnel of District offices in related efforts to improve the reliability of regulations and hydrologic determinations.

* Provide management and technical guidance for the development and operation of the Division-wide dedicated water control data system. This system includes the equipment and software used for the acquisition, transmission and processing of real-time hydrologic and meteorological data for