Joint Chiefs of Staff

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March 22, 2013 — Sergeant Major, let me begin by telling you, it's great to see the joint force you've arrayed out there, the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines. I wouldn't be surprised if I caught glimpse of a Coast Guardsman out there, but they look terrific. ...  more…
March 18, 2013 — If I could return some of the kind words, Dr. Hamre has been one of those individuals in my life who, whenever I had a particularly vexing challenge, which is darn near every day in the last 10 years, whether I was an OPM-SANG or acting commander at CENTCOM or chief of staff of the Army, I could call him up and he would gather a group together and let me bang around some of our most complex problems. ...  more…
March 11, 2013 — So I am the 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs, also known as the only thing standing between you and happy hour. ...  more…
March 07, 2013 — I should tell you before I get to my prepared remarks, I was – I was actually surprised that they wanted me to do an interview. And surprise interviews can be a little bit dangerous, actually. ...  more…
March 01, 2013 — I’m General Marty Dempsey, the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and I’m speaking with you today on the first of March 2013 as I’ve just learned that sequestration has occurred. ...  more…
February 17, 2013 — RACHEL MARTIN: This is “Weekend Edition” from NPR News. I'm Rachel Martin. It's been about a year and a half since General Martin Dempsey left his job as chief of staff of the Army and became the president's top military advisor, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When Dempsey moved into his new office, he wanted to hang up a picture of one  more…
February 14, 2013 — GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY: Secretaries, fellow general and flag officers, dedicated military and civilian servants here in the Pentagon, and our guests today from the Department of State, happy Valentine's Day. (Laughter.) You know, the lore of martyrdom says that St. Valentine was actually martyred because he was marrying soldiers who were  more…
February 10, 2013 — Ministers, ambassadors, distinguished leaders, colleagues, and most importantly, the men and women of ISAF [International Security Assistance Forces=] and the Afghan National Security Forces, good morning. And I want to thank General Jim Mattis for deferring to me the honor of speaking to you all on behalf of the Armed Forces of the United States,  more…
February 08, 2013 — Mr. President, Secretary and Mrs. Panetta, Ambassadors, Members of Congress, men and women of the Armed Forces of the United States, especially our wounded warriors … and of course, we cannot forget Bravo. I was actually hoping Bravo would be out there for the inspection of the troops, but apparently Uncle Jeremy thought differently. It’s an honor  more…
February 03, 2013 — CANDY CROWLEY: Joining me now, Leon Panetta, secretary of defense, and General Martin Dempsey, who, of course, is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Gentlemen, thank you both for being here. We had some very interesting hearings on Thursday for your replacement. I want to play you just a little bit from those hearings. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CHUCK  more…
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