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Waurika Lake intake channel maintenance Finding of No Significant Impact

TO INTERESTED PARTIESThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Planning and Environmental Center [Read More]
Published: Jul-15-15

Final Environmental Assessment Yukon Waterline Project

TO INTERESTED PARTIES  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Planning and Environmental Center, [Read More]
Published: Jun-22-15

Final Environmental Assessment Jellystone Camp Resort

Finding of No Significant Impact on Jellystone Camp Resort and Commercial Marina at Keystone Lake, Oklahoma. [Read More]
Published: May-31-15

Environmental Assessment - Waurika Lake Water-Intake Channel Maintenance Project - Dredging, Gate Extension & Gate Replacement

TO INTERESTED PARTIES The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Planning and Environmental Center and the Tulsa District, in coordination with the Waurika Lake Master Conservancy District (WLMCD), have assessed the environmental impacts associated with the proposed maintenance dredging of the WLMCD water intake channel in Waurika Lake, Cotton, Stephens, and Jefferson Counties, Oklahoma. Proposed activities include pumping and storage of dredge material to a confined disposal facility on WLMCD property, replacement of lower gates on the WLMCD intake structure, and installation of an intake pipe extension and floating intake. These proposed alterations/modifications are operation and maintenance responsibilities of the non-Federal sponsor, the WLMCD, and will be implemented at no cost to the federal government. [Read More]
Published: Apr-23-15

Draft Environmental Assessment water transmission pipeline in Yukon, Oklahoma

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Planning and Environmental Center, in coordination with the City of Yukon, Oklahoma, has assessed the environmental impacts associated with the proposed construction of 1.35 miles of 12” water transmission pipeline, a water storage tank facility, and the replacement of sanitary sewer lines within the City of Yukon, Canadian County, Oklahoma. The project purpose is to improve the existing City of Yukon water supply distribution system to meet current and future demand, and to replace aging infrastructure in a 40-year old residential development. This is a Water Resource Development Authority Section 219 (Environmental Infrastructure) Project, which was authorized in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2001 in Section 108. The City of Yukon, Oklahoma is the local sponsor for this proposed project. [Read More]
Published: Mar-31-15

Jellystone Draft Environmental Assessment and Commercial Marina

A draft environmental assessment (EA) to assess impacts associated with the propsed action has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. It has been determined from the draft EA that this action will have no significant adverse impacts on the natural or human environment. A copy of the draft EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is linked. By this letter we are requestin any comments you might have on the draft EA. In order to be considered, comments must be received no later than April 27, 2015. Contact information for submission of comments is as follows: Mr. Mike Zorba, Cardinal Engineering, LLC, 3700 West Robinson, Suite 200, Norman, OK 73072; e-mail: mike.zorba@cardinalengineers.com. [Read More]
Published: Mar-26-15

Final Environmental Assessment for the Arcadia Lake Trail Project

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) including guidelines in 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230, the Tulsa District has assessed the environmental effects of construction and operation of a multi-use trail system around Arcadia Lake, Oklahoma. The proposed trail would be paved and vary in width from 12- to 18-feet and accommodate varying user groups of pedestrians, joggers, and cyclists. The trail would be constructed and operated by the City of Edmond, Oklahoma and would initially include an approximate 3.1. mile section alont the north side of the lake. As funds and design information become available, the trail could ultimately be expanded to approximately 20 miles in length and encompass as area circling the lake. [Read More]
Published: Aug-21-14