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Home > Locations > District Lakes > Hillsdale Lake > Daily Lake Info

Daily Lake Information

  • Know the current lake conditions.
  • Be aware of forecasted weather.
  • Always wear your life jacket
  • Date:    October 19, 2016                 

    Lake Elevation  917.50         Normal Elevation:  917.0

    Discharge:   8  CFS        

    Temperatures:  Hi  53        Lo  38

    8AM-Air Temp : 57        Water Surface Temperature: 63

    Direction: NE    Speed:  4      Peak:  18     24 Hour Precipitation: .0 in

    Hour Snow Fall: 0    Snow Depth: 0.0 

    Please Note: The information on this page is updated daily. To see the most current data, you may need to hit ctrl+F5 to refresh your browser.  There will be days where limited staff will prevent the daily update. Thank you.