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Federal Agency Partnerships

Economic Research Service (USDA)

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) and IWR signed a partnership agreement designed to increase the sharing of information and collaboration on transportation-related economic research between the two agencies.

About the Memorandum of Understanding

Signed: July 28, 2005

Signing Parties

  • Susan E. Offutt, Administrator (ERS)
  • Robert A. Pietrowsky, Director (IWR)

Purpose: This partnership aims to establish a collaborative approach to conducting economic studies and increase the sharing of transportation-related economic research between the two agencies.

Terms: This MOU formalizes a collaborative approach to conducting national economic studies through the creation of an Economic Working Group between the two agencies to:

  • Share information
  • Conduct joint research and analysis
  • Reach out to interested public and private sector audiences
  • Develop a common economic framework for joint policy research
  • Study and analyze the issues affecting the movement of agricultural commodities in the U.S.

About Economic Research Service

Economic Research Service is a primary source of economic information and research in the USDA. It conducts research to inform public and private decision making on economic and policy issues involving food, farming, natural resources and rural development.

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