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  • DCoE’s Real Warriors Campaign Launches Four New PSAs

    The Real Warriors Campaign launched four new public service announcements (PSAs) to help combat the stigma associated with seeking psychological health care and treatment in the military. The most recent PSAs highlight the stories of Army Maj. Jeff Hall and Army Reservist Staff Sgt. Megan Krause, who both experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder after returning from deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Having now received treatment for their psychological health concerns, both Maj. Hall and Staff Sgt. Krause are maintaining successful military careers. It takes courage and strength to reach out for help. By sharing their personal experiences, Real Warriors like Maj. Hall and Staff Sgt. Krause are demonstrating that reaching out makes a difference and are inspiring others to reach out and seek the support they deserve. View Maj. Hall’s and Staff Sgt. Krause’s 30-second and 60-second PSAs here. The PSAs will also air on DoD ...
  • DCoE’s Second Annual Warrior Resilience Conference Included a Keynote Address from Adm. Mike Mullen

    Recently, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and one of the highest-ranking military leaders, addressed an audience of over 400 line leaders from across the services, clinicians, care providers and experts from around the United States as they gathered at the Warrior Resilience Conference in Norfolk, Va. Throughout his comments, Mullen strongly encouraged leaders to model behaviors that promote psychological health. “Don’t wait for somebody else to do it,” Mullen said. “Leaders who ask for help will actually lead the way.” The chairman formally recognized the importance of creating programs that build resilience and thus, resilient warriors. Over the two-day conference, attendees met and learned principles and practices to increase resilience for mind, body, and spirit in order to strengthen the warrior and unit to adapt and thrive in periods of high intensity and continuous operations. Mullen acknowledged the issues service members today are facing after ...
  • Veterans and Psychological Health

    In his second inaugural address in 1865, President Lincoln called upon Congress “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.” This simple, yet profound statement still holds true today. It is our nation’s sacred duty and honor to care for our veterans. In a previous blog entry I described the last two decades as crucial to developing a heightened public awareness for psychological health (PH) issues. This time span has also seen PH care for veterans and service members become an even more significant priority in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and DoD. On this Veterans Day, I reflect on the honor it has been to work for VA off and on since 1995. When I began working at VA, I was spellbound by the stories of the veterans with whom I had the pleasure to work. Although so many ...
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