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Regional General Permits

A regional general permit (RGP) is a type of general permit that authorizes categories of activities in a specific geographic area that causes only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts.  The following RGPs are applicable within the Galveston District.


 GP Number Location Authorized Work Expiration Date
SWG-1998-02413 All navigable waters of the United States located with the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, excluding Louisiana Directional Drilling of pipelines under navigable waters 1/1/2019
SWG-2002-02904 All navigable waters of the United States located with the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, excluding Louisiana* Construction of single-family, multi-family and commercial piers and appurtenances 12/31/2020

In existing, manmade upland canals located within the Galveston District

Construction of boat slips in man-made canals 12/31/2019

Waters of the United Slates within a portion of the High Island Oil Field, bounded on the south and west by the existing perimeter levee, on the north by a marsh adjacent to the perimeter levee, and on the east by State Highway 124 and the 5-foot elevation contour, at the base of High Island, Galveston County, Texas

Construction of access roads and levees and the perfomance of dredging for drillingsites  1/1/2019
SWG-2002-02392 All navigable waters of the United States located with the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Placement of aerial lines and cables over navigable waters  1/1/2019
SWG-1999-01926 All navigable waters of the United States located with the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, excluding Louisiana Maintenance dredging of previously authorized artificial shallow draft upland canals  12/31/2016 
SWG-2001-00150 All navigable waters of the United States located with the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, excluding Louisiana Construction of artiifical wave barriers for the purpose of shoreline erosion protections 12/31/2016
SWG-2002-02405  Inner Harbor of the Corpus Christi Chip Channel from COE Station 1106+32 of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel to COE Station 1661+50 of the Violo Turning Basin as well as the Rincon Channel from the Corpus Christi Ship Channel to and including Channels A & B  Maintenance dredging within the Inner Harbor of the Corpus Chriti Ship Channel   1/1/2019

Lake Livingston in Polk, San Jacinto, Walker and Trinity Counties, Texas

Mechanical dredging of no more than 500 cubic yards


* For pier projects located on state-owned submerged lands in Texas, please see our programatic permit section.

Programmatic General Permits

A Programmatic General Permit (PGP) is a type of regional general permit founded on an existing state, local or other Federal agency program and designed to avoid duplication with that program. The following PGPs are applicable within the Galveston District.  Application for use of these programmatic general permits should be  made to the agencies which administer them.

 GP Number

Location Authorized Work Administator Expiration Date
 SWG-2007-00720  Lake Livingston

Structures and work authorized are limited to pile supported single-family and multi-family recreational piers including boat houses/shelters, storage buildings, lifts, hoists, personal watercraft ramps/platforms and dry hydrants


Trinity River Authority  12/31/2017
SWG-2002-02904 In all navigable waters of the Unsited States in the Galveston District, except waters in Louisiana* Construction of single family, multi-family, and commercial piers and appurtenances  Texas General Land Office -Permit Service Center 12/31/2020
SWG-2006-00517 Navigable Waters of the United States in bays and estuaries within the Galveston District Installation, operation, and maintanence of structures and equipment necessary for oil and gas drilling, production,and transportation activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing   12/31/2017
 SWG-2002-02391 Navigable Waters Offshore Cameron and Willacy Counties  Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019
 SWG-2002-02393 Navigable Waters Offshore Kenedy County  Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019
 SWG-2002-02397 Navigable Waters OffshoreKleberg and Nueces Counties  Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019
 SWG-2002-02400 Navigable Waters Offshore Aransas, Calhoun, and Matagorda Counties  Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019
SWG-2002-02401 Navigable Waters Offshore Matagorda and Brazoria Counties  Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019
 SWG-2002-02406 Navigable Waters Offshore Brazoria and Galveston Cointies   Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office - Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019
 SWG-2002-02404 Navigable Waters Offshore Chambers and Jefferson Counties  Development of petroleum exploration activities Texas General Land Office- Mineral Leasing  1/1/2019

 * For pier projects NOT located on state-owned submerged lands in Texas, please see our regional general permit section.

Agency Specific Regional General Permits

The following RGPs have been issued by the Galveston District to provide a predictable permitting process while protecting the nations aquatic resources for similar activities that are part of their agency duties.  The RGPs are only valid for use by the specific agency.


 GP Number Agency Location Authorized Activity Expiration Date
SWG-2009-00123 Harris County Flood Control District Waters of the United States utilized as stormwater management facilities under the authority of the HCFCD in Harris County, Texas. Authorizes Harris County Flood Control District to conduct work and place dredged and/or fill materials for the purpose of routine maintenance and emergency repair of existing stormwater management facilities.  12/31/2019
SWG-2010-00605 Texas General Land Office Waters of the United States under the authority of the GLO, including state-owned  submerged land and waters of the state of Texas. Authorizes the Texas General Land Office to remove Hazardous Debris, Derelict Vessel and Derelict Structure Removal on state-owned submerged lands.  12/31/2016
 SWG-2011-00629 Harris County Public Infrastructure Waters of the United States located in Harris County, Texas. To discharge dredge or fill material resulting from maintenance and minor new construction activities of public infrastructure facilities under the jurisdiction of the HCPID-AED.  06/24/2018
 SWG-1994-00026  Texas Parks and Wildlife Department  Gulf Of Mexico in water depths of 300M or less Artificial Reef   06/20/2021