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  • Keeping Service Members and their Families Mission Ready

    DoD believes that one death by suicide is too many. We have undertaken a number of initiatives and developed programs to help keep our warriors and their families psychologically strong and encourage them to reach out for help when needed.   Suicide prevention: DoD Suicide Prevention and Risk Reduction Committee (SPARRC) Representatives from the services and DoD meet to share lessons learned and best practices, and convene at an annual conference. SPARRC identifies resources and information that can be shared across the military community. Department of Defense (DoD) Suicide Prevention Task Force The Department of Defense (DoD) Suicide Prevention Task Force has been established to provide advice and recommendations for the suicide prevention programs.   The DoD Suicide Prevention Task force will make recommendations to address the following:   Methods to identify trends and common causal factors in suicides by members of the Armed Services; Methods to establish or update ...
  • Thursday, October 01, 2009 - All Together Now

    Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to travel and share DCoE’s mission with others around the country. The questions I am continually asked are “What can I do to help?” and “Where can I volunteer?” Heartened by such queries, I can answer you there are many things individuals and communities can do to support our Warriors, Veterans and their Families. First and foremost, as individuals and as a Nation, we need to let our Warriors, Veterans and their Families know they are NOT alone. The power of words followed by actions remains one of our greatest strengths.   Our service members and their families deserve the very best we can give them, and I am thankful for all who have expressed an interest in helping. There are many ways that individuals or communities can get involved. For example, to make a positive difference to an individual ...