Institute for Water Resources


Flood Risk Management Program

Flood Risk Management for State and Local Partners

The Corps works with its state and local government partners to coordinate flood risk management within the context of shared responsibility. The Flood Risk

Management program aims to leverage resources and develop partnerships across levels of government.

The Silver Jackets program provides an opportunity to consistently bring together state, Federal, and sometimes tribal and local agencies to learn from one another and apply their knowledge to reduce risk. State agencies, including those of the State Hazard Mitigation Officer and State National Flood Insurance Program Coordinator, come together with the Federal family of agencies, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in a common forum to address the state's flood risk management priorities. Silver Jacket teams are developed at the state level.
Community flood risk is dynamic, changing over time in response to local development patterns and natural (weather) forces. State emergency management agencies, or those with responsibilities for water resources, environmental protection, or hazard mitigation, will generally have the most recent information on flood risk. Partnerships such as a state Silver Jackets team, as well as Federal agencies, such as the regional office of the Federal Emergency Management Agency , U.S. Geological Survey or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District office can help a community understand their flood risk.
Effectively communicating flood risk is a significant challenge. Even more difficult is getting individuals and businesses to take action based on their flood risk. The National Flood Insurance Program’s provides interactive tools to help communicate flood risk and resources to help communities take action to protect and prepare for flooding.

The National Response Framework (NRF) guides Federal agencies’ roles and activities following a disaster. The Framework outlines the roles, responsibilities, and organizational structures that enable a coordinated incident response, including coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Small Business Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, and more.

During and after a flood event, there are a variety of Federal support options for communities available under certain criteria (e.g., if the community participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, if the flood was a Federally declared disaster, if a levee enrolled in the Corps Rehabilitation Program was damaged during the flood).

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has several authorities to assist state and local governments in assessing their flood risk and developing solutions. Each program has its unique eligibility requirements and authorities. For more specific information, please see below. Contact your District for more information.

  • Floodplain Management Services Program. Upon request, and without charge, the Corps will furnish to states, tribes, counties, and cities the floodplain information and technical assistance needed in planning for prudent use of land subject to flooding from streams, lakes, and oceans.
  • Planning Assistance to States Program. Upon request, the Corps will cooperate with states in the preparation of plans for the development, utilization, and conservation of water and related land resources located within the boundaries of the state, short of site-specific designs of construction specifications (Fact Sheet)
  • The Inspection of Completed Works Program is used to determine if flood risk management projects are properly operated and maintained.
  • The Corps’ System Wide Improvement Framework (SWIF) policy (pdf, 925 KB) provides guidelines that allow non-Federal sponsors of levees to maintain eligibility and access to post-flood repair funding (under P.L. 84-99) so long as they develop and implement a plan to address deficiencies in their existing levees.
  • The National Nonstructural Flood Proofing Committee works within the Corps, providing strategies for reducing flood risk without using structures such as levees or floodwalls or in combination with these structural solutions for the most efficient and effective flood risk reduction.
  • Under P.L. 84-99 (33 USC 701n), USACE has the ability to provide rehabilitation assistance for flood risk management projects damaged during flood events.  Through the voluntary Rehabilitation Program, USACE will assist in repairing levee systems and other flood risk management projects after a flood event if the projects meet the required eligibility criteria. 

The Federal Emergency Management Agency administers the National Flood Insurance Program, which provides access to flood insurance for individuals and businesses.

Through the NFIP and programs such as the Community Rating System (CRS), communities can learn about and take actions to reduce flood risk in their communities.

The Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water provides tools and guidance for managing stormwater, which a community may incorporate as part of its comprehensive flood risk management approach.

Flood Risk Management Program