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Rahway River Basin Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is partnering with the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection to carry out a Feasibility Study to identify various flood risk management alternatives for communities along the Rahway River Basin, with a specific emphasis on the cities of Rahway and Cranford.

The alternatives are currently undergoing economic analysis, comparing the amount of risk management provided to each alternative’s associated costs. In order for a flood risk management alternative to be considered by the Federal Government, it must provide a positive benefit-to-cost ratio. This economic analysis phase is important to not only determine the benefit-to-cost ratio of each alternative, but it is also critical for the justification and request for authorization from Congress to construct a project after the Feasibility Study is complete. The economic analysis is expected to be completed this fall.

Click here for descriptions of the flood risk management alternatives the Corps of Engineers is analyzing as part of this Feasibility Study.

For more information please read the Rahway River Basin fact sheet or email the Project Manager.

***January 2016 Update***

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New York District (District) has undertaken coordination with its Dam Safety Center of Expertise regarding vegetation management zones for dams and their associated embankments as required by the USACE Engineering Technical Letter (ETL) 1110-2-583 Guidelines for Landscape Planting and Vegetation Management at Levees, Embankment Dams and Appurtenant Structures.

Rahway River Basin Essex and Union Counties, New Jersey Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study Update

*** November 2015 Update ***

The National Environmental Policy Act Scoping Response to Comments Document is available and provides a summary of questions and concerns received during the 15 June 2015 NEPA Scoping Meeting and 30 day Scoping Period and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District’s responses to questions and concerns.

NEPA Scoping Response to Comments Document

*** June 2015 Update ***

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, hosted a NEPA Scoping Meeting Monday evening June 15th in Cranford, NJ. The meeting was made up of two informational poster board sessions, with a formal presentation given between the two sessions.

A PDF (~2MB) of the presentation given can be downloaded by clicking here.

A PDF (~5MB) of the posters that were on display can be downloaded by clicking here.

*** NEPA Scoping Document (~2MB)

The NEPA Scoping Document for the ongoing Rahway River Basin Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study is now available for the public to review and can be downloaded by clicking here (~2MB). The NEPA Scoping Document outlines the Civil Works Planning Process, study history, alternatives to be evaluated and identification of key environmental resources.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the NJDEP are soliciting input on issues and impacts to be addressed in an Environmental Impact Statement.

The purpose of the NEPA Scoping is to provide an opportunity for the public and agencies to comment on the scope of the environmental analysis in the EIS and to raise issues, concerns and ideas regarding potential impacts. In addition, the District requests any information on natural resources including plants, animals and particularly wetland habitats.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be accepting comments, concerns and information related to scoping from date of publication of this notice until 15 July 2015.

Questions regarding the Rahway River Basin Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study can be directed to Ms. Rifat Salim, Project Manager,, 917-790-8215.

Comments and/or suggestions concerning the scope of issues to be evaluated in the EIS can be sent to Ms. Kimberly Rightler, Project Biologist,