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NWW-0-48760 - 10/14/2016: Interested parties are hereby notified that an application has been received to modify a Department of the Army permit, NWW-0-48760, issued on March 30, 1992, for certain additional work in waters of the United States, including wetlands. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve power plant functions and efficiency by narrowing a section of the power canal to match the original design width.
Expiration date: 11/14/2016


Regional General Permit - Emergency (RGP-E) - 9/20/2016: This public notice announces the Walla Walla District Corps of Engineers re-issuance of RGP-E, which will be used to authorize certain temporary work during emergency situations, in waters of the U.S. within the State of Idaho.
Expiration date: 10/20/2016

Joint Public Notice - Sediment Evaluation Framework - 8/12/2016: Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Northwestern Division (Corps) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Region 10 (EPA) have released the 2016 Sediment Evaluation Framework for the Pacific Northwest (SEF). The 2016 SEF replaces the 2009 SEF.
Expiration date:


NWW-2002-2100100 - 6/30/2016: Interested parties are hereby notified that the Walla Walla District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit for certain work in Waters of the United States, including wetlands. This project is located at the private marina off of West Mountain Road and Thompson Drive at Cascade Reservoir in Valley County, Idaho. The purpose of the proposed project is to remove accumulated sediments from within the footprint of the private marina to facilitate moorage of boats and navigation of watercraft into and out of the facility. Sediment removal would return the marina and access channel to “as-built” conditions.
Expiration date: 7/30/2016


NWW-2016-00221 - 6/14/2016: Interested parties are hereby notified that the Walla Walla District, Army Corps of Engineers has received an application for a Department of the Army permit for certain work in waters of the United States along the Snake River in Bonneville County, Idaho. Idaho Falls Power is proposing to remove sediment and debris from the intake of the power house at their Upper Plant. Sediment and debris removal would return the channel to its previous condition.
Expiration date: 7/14/2016

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