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Tribal Coordination

The Walla Walla District fully supports tribal self-governance and government-to-government relations between federally recognized Tribes and the Federal government.  Tribes with protected rights or resources that could be significantly affected by a proposed Federal action (e.g., a permit decision) have the right to consult with the Walla Walla District on a government-to-government basis. 

Executive Order No. 13175
Corps' Tribal Nations Overview (HQ website)

Views of each Tribe regarding protected rights and resources will be accorded due to considerations in this process.  Tribes are invited to actively participate in the Federal decision-making process regarding protected tribal rights and resources.  Consultation may be initiated by a Tribe upon written request to the District Commander.


Walla Walla District Tribal Liaison Mission

For additional information, please contact the Walla Walla District Tribal Liaison at (509) 527-7297.