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  • Counting Sheep? 10 Tips to Help Foster Healthy Sleep Habits

    Read the full story: Counting Sheep? 10 Tips to Help Foster Healthy Sleep Habits

    Sleep is important for healthy brain function, emotional well-being and overall good physical health. But many service members and veterans are not getting the sleep they need. A study conducted by Rand Corp. determined about 70 percent of deployable service members reported six hours or less of sleep per day, almost half said they sleep poorly and one-third felt fatigued three to four times per week.

    Psychological health concerns or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may make sleep even more difficult. Sleep disturbances are common for those recovering from a brain injury, while nightmares are common for those who have experienced trauma. Making simple changes to your behavior and environment — sleep schedule, bedtime habits and daily lifestyle choices — can help you get a better night’s rest.

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  • Your Electronics May be Ruining Your Sleep

    Do you spend countless hours at night playing video games, watching TV and trolling on social media? Are you having trouble falling asleep? Using electronic devices more often for longer periods of time has a negative impact on sleep, according to a recent study presented at a webinar hosted by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Dec. 3.

    Sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature and other important bodily functions are controlled by a person’s circadian rhythm over a 24-hour period of time. Light exposure can disrupt sleep and affect the circadian rhythm, which is why research is looking at the how the increased use of electronics may be impacting our sleep. TV, computers, tablets and cell phones all produce what is referred to as blue light waves in dark rooms during night hours.

  • Can’t Sleep? Concussion May be Culprit

    Army Spec. Daniel Peña had trouble sleeping at night and often felt tired during the day. Sleep can be a problem for service members who chug caffeinated drinks to stay awake during long shifts and then pop pills to help them sleep.

    But Peña’s problem was a little different. A sleep study found that during a six-hour period when Peña thought he was asleep, he actually woke up 529 times after he stopped breathing, a condition known as sleep apnea.

  • Fall Forward or Fall Back? Enjoy an Extra Hour of Sleep

    Good news: Daylight saving time ends this weekend, meaning that many in the Northern hemisphere will “fall back” into bed and snooze for an extra hour Sunday morning.

    Officially, daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m., Nov. 1. In practical terms, you can set clocks back an hour before going to bed Saturday night. There are various explanations for the creation of daylight saving time, such as allowing farmers more daylight to work or to reduce the use of artificial light.

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