Navigation Ports Waterways Environment

PIANC USA Working to advance the sustainable development of maritime and inland navigation infrastructure through the international exchange and publication of expert technical information on port and waterway development.
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PhotoProceedings for the Dredging 2015 Conference are now available


PhotoSmart Rivers 2017 to be hosted by USA Section

PhotoYoung Professional's June Event



Welcome to PIANC USA, the United States national section of the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC). We are committed to fostering progress in all fields related to waterborne transportation. Since 1902, PIANC USA members have worked with experts from around the world to improve and support maritime and inland waterway and port development and management.

Learn More About PIANC USA

See our News and Events pages to find out what's happening. We participate in forums and events taking place around the globe. To read further information about our organization and the benefits of membership, please see About Us and Membership.

Find out more about the U.S. Participation in PIANC, the work our U.S. representatives are doing on working groups, and working group reports.

PIANC USA contributes groundbreaking innovations to the planning, design, construction, improvement, maintenance and operation of ports and waterways. Please explore this web site to learn more about our activities and members.


revised 26 January 2016

We are saddened to hear of the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium. Our hearts and minds are with the populace in this troubled time. We are also thankful that everyone with PIANC International headquarters is safe.


PIANC USA works with members from 40 other nations to address policy, engineering and environmental issues for the advancement of waterborne transportation.


We are dedicated to port and waterway development and management, and we provide our members with outstanding professional benefits.


Our members include engineers, scientists, economists, planners, dredgers, port operators, regulators, and marina and vessel owners.


PIANC USA participates in research projects and information exchanges that study specific challenges and develop solutions to navigation issues.


© 2012 U.S. Section PIANC