Wounded Warrior Programs

Wounded warriors playing basketball

The military's wounded warrior programs provide help and support for severely wounded, ill and injured service members, veterans and their families. Each service branch operates a wounded warrior program to help with non-medical issues related to the transition back to duty or to civilian life.

Who is eligible to receive services through the wounded warrior programs?


what Department of Veterans Affairs benefits you may qualify for if you’re a disabled veteran or service member.

The wounded warrior programs work with the service member and his or her medical team to develop a comprehensive recovery plan that addresses specific recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration goals.

Eligibility for wounded warrior programs isn't limited to those with combat injuries; the following are also eligible:

  • Service members battling serious illnesses
  • Service members injured in accidents and requiring long-term care

Support doesn't stop just because the service member is no longer under military care. Wounded warrior programs provide lifetime support, even after the service member is discharged from a military treatment facility.

What types of support do wounded warrior programs provide?


more about how you are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Typical non-medical support may include, but isn't limited to, the following:

  • Pay and personnel issues
  • Invitational travel orders
  • Lodging and housing adaptations
  • Child and youth care arrangements
  • Transportation needs
  • Legal and guardianship issues
  • Education and training benefits
  • Respite care
  • Traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress support services

How do I enroll in the wounded warrior program?


help in making your home accessible with these resources.

Enrollment in the program varies by service branch.

  • Army: Contact the Army Wounded Warrior call center at 877-393-9058 (overseas DSN: 312-221-9113) or email AW2@conus.army.mil.
  • Marine Corps: The parent command, medical officer, medical case manager or Wounded Warrior Regiment Detachment Officer-in-Charge must initiate the request on behalf of the service member. For more information on the referral process, contact the Wounded Warrior Regiment call center at 877-487-6299.
  • Navy: Sailors and Coast Guardsmen may self-refer to the program or be referred by a family member, their command leadership, or their medical team. For questions on enrollment eligibility, contact Navy Safe Harbor at 877-746-8563 or email safeharbor@navy.mil.
  • Air Force: Contact the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program Office at 800-581-9437 or email wounded.warrior@us.af.mil.

If you or a family member is a wounded warrior who needs help understanding your benefits, contact Military OneSource for a free specialty consultation at 800-342-9647.




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