Key Documents

Published, August 22, 2016

The following is a list of key strategic documents.

2014 Quadrennial Defense Review

Clinger-Cohen Act

CNO's Navigation Plan 2015-2019

CNO's Position Report: 2014

CNO's Sailing Directions: Outlines U.S. Navy's mission, priorities and vision.

DoD Information Enterprise Strategic Plan

DoD IT Enterprise Strategy and Roadmap: The strategy and roadmap identifies 26 initiatives that will allow the DoD to realize improvements to the DoD information environment.

DoD IT Environment: Way Forward for Tomorrow's Strategic Landscape

DoD Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace

DON Deputy CIO Designation Memo: Organizational Realignments and Designation as the DON DCIO (Navy) and the DON DCIO (Marine Corps)

DON NNE~2016 Strategic Definition, Scope and Strategy

DON Objectives: The DON objectives focus on key efforts that will provide real benefits to the Nation in fulfillment of our responsibilities to maintain a capable Navy and Marine Corps.

DON Posture Statement

DON Transformation Plan

Federal CIO Roadmap

Guidance Regarding Cyberspace Roles, Responsibilities, Functions, and Governance Within the DoD

Marine Corps Vision and Strategy 2025

National Military Strategy of the U.S.A: The purpose of this document is to provide the ways and means by which the United States military will advance its enduring national interests as articulated in the 2010 National Security Strategy and to accomplish the defense objectives in the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review.

Navy Strategy for Achieving Information Dominance

Plan to Reform Federal IT Management: 25 point implementation plan to reform federal information technology management.

Strategy for 21st Century Seapower

Sustaining Global U.S. Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense: This strategic guidance for the Department of Defense articulates priorities for a 21st century defense that sustains U.S. global leadership. This guidance reflects the President's strategic direction to the Department and was deeply informed by the Department's civilian and military leadership, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretaries of the Military Departments, and the Combatant Commanders.

TAGS: Governance, Strategy