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Sexual Harassment, Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP)

The Sexual Harassment Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) program mission is to provide response capability, victim advocacy, case management, and sexual assault awareness, prevention and response training to our Soldier, families and civilian workforce.

 SWD 24/7 Sexual Assault Helpline  214-354-7255

Types of Reporting

· SARC does not notify the chain of command.
· Victim advocate attends to victim's needs and provides supportive services.
· Victim receives medical care and counseling.

Victim can initiate an unrestricted reporting decision at a later date. (Restricted reporting applies to active duty military only.)

· The chain of command is notified and begins a criminal investigation.
· Victim advocate attends to victim's needs and provides supportive services.
· Victim receives medical care and counseling.

· If you notify law enforcement or your chain of command, the report is considered unrestricted.
· If you tell someone who subsequently notifies the chain of command, or if someone observes the assault and notifies command, the report is considered unrestricted and an investigation is launched.
· To preserve your right to restricted report, contact the SARC first.