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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Image of files in a warehouseWhat is the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, as it is commonly called? The FOIA is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Under the FOIA, agencies must disclose any information that is requested – unless that information is protected from public disclosure. The FOIA also requires that agencies automatically disclose certain information, including frequently requested records. As Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court have all recognized, the FOIA is a vital part of our democracy.

Recent FOIA requests for the Pittsburgh District are available below. Click on "Expand All" to see available documents. If you have a new request, please use our FOIA Request Form. Learn more about FOIA at http://www.foia.gov.

American Electric Power, Inc. (App. # 2011-1499)

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Title Page

Table of Contents

Section 1 - USACE 404 Permit Application 

1 eng4345a.pdf
2 4345 Additional Information 110-416
3 TABLE 1 – Landowner
4 110416_401_404_Prmt_Fig_A_4-24-12
5 Attachment 1 4 REVISED Table 2 

Section 2 - WV DEP 401 Permit Application 

1 Completed 401CER_1_Feb05

R – 110-416 8400 FINAL Alternatives Analysis AEP Mitchell Landfill



110416_401-404 Prmt Fig 1

110416_401-404 Prmt Fig 2

110416_401-404 Prmt Fig 3

110416_401-404 Prmt Fig 4

110416_401-404 Prmt Fig 5


Appendix A- Jurisdictional Waters Delineation Report

1 Revised 110-416 AEP Mitchell Landfill Project Jurisdictional Waters Delineation

2 R – FINAL 110-416 Phase II Haul Road Jurisdictional Waters Delineation Report

3 November 15 2011 USACE Preliminary JD


Appendix B – Agency Correspondence

1 Appendix A USFWS Correspondence

2 USFWS Indiana Bat Effect Determination Letter 8-19-11

3 USFWS AEP Mitchell Landfill Haul Road NLAA 2-29-2012

4 WVDNR State T&E July 2011 response letter

5 WVDNR Haul Rd Response Letter

6 WVSHPO Phase 1 Response Letter

7 WVSHPO Phase II Response Letter


Appendix C – Indiana Bat Survey Report

1 Appendix C – FINAL 110-416 Indiana Bat Survey Report

2 LR – 111-416 FINAL AEP Haul Road Indiana Bat Habitat Assessment


Appendix D – Cultural Resources

1 – Phase I 11-52001_Gatts_Ridge_Rev_Draft (12.5.11)

2 – Mitchell Landfill Phase II report draft for CEC review

3 – Phase I Haul Road Weller Archaeological Survey Report

4 – Phase I Gatts Ridge Addendum Draft


Appendix E – Stream Mitigation Plan

R – 110416.8500 Stream Mitigation Plan Final