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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
FY 2013 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2013 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 12/11/2013
FY 2014 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2014 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/17/2014
FY 2015 CERM-F Fiscal Year 2015 USACE - Civil Works Annual Financial Report 11/13/2015
NWS-79-S1 CEIWR History of the Commercial Waterways & Ports of the United States: Volume I, From Settlement to Completion of the Erie Canal 9/1/1979 One of a series that reviews the history of waterways and ports in the U.S. in the context of transportation needs of the national today and into the next century. This Volume 1 of the series examines the period from settlement of the country to the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825.
NWS-80-S1 CEIWR The United States Waterways and Ports: A Chronology, Volume I, 1541-1871 4/1/1980 One of a series that chronologically records significant events in the history of U.S. waterway and port. Volume 1 of the series summarizes the use of waterways in early America: 1541-1808; from the invention of the steamboat to the Civil War: 1811-1867; the Great Era of American Canal Building: 1825-1850; and the end of the Canal Building Era: 1836-1871.
NWS-83-9 CEIWR History of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway 1/1/1983 One of a series on the history of navigation done as a part of the National Waterways study, an intensive review of past, present, and future needs and capabilities of the waterways transportation network.
NWS-83-10 CEIWR History of the Waterways of the Atlantic Coast of the United States 1/1/1983
91-PS-1 CEIWR Reshaping National Water Politics: The Emergency of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 10/1/1991 A short history of the evolution of the Water Resources Act of 1986.
PL PLAN 84-1 (C) CECW-OE USACE Continuity of Operations Plan (CECOOP) (U) 2/21/1984 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
PL PLAN 84-2 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization Plan (CEMP) 8/1/1984 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 25 (same as EP 870-1-71/ CMH Pub 45-1) CEHO Building for Peace: U.S. Army Engineers in Europe, 1945-1991 This study of nearly half a century of military construction in Europe serves to record both the achievements of the past and some key lessons learned.
UN 1 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization and Operations Planning System (CEMOPS) 5/1/1983 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 10 CEMP-CR Your Rights and Benefits as a Displaced Person/Under the Federal Relocation Assistance Program 10/1/2014 (DOT pub stocked and issued by USACE Depot)
UN 11 CESI Our Vision 12/1/1988 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
UN 12 CECW-OE-E Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program Handbook 6/1/1991 Contact the Publications POC for more information.
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