Institute for Water Resources

Home > Missions > Flood Risk Management

Flood Risk Management

Graphic of Flood Risk Management Program
Flood Risk Management Program
The USACE Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) works across the agency to focus the policies, programs and expertise of USACE toward reducing overall flood risk. This includes the appropriate use and resiliency of structures such as levees and floodwalls, as well as promoting alternatives when other approaches (e.g., land acquisition, flood proofing, etc.) reduce the risk of loss of life, reduce long-term economic damages to the public and private sector, and improve the natural environment.
Graphic depicting the Silver Jackets mission and motto.
Silver Jackets
Silver Jackets teams in states across the United States bring together multiple state, federal, and sometimes tribal and local agencies to learn from one another in reducing flood risk and other natural disasters. By applying their shared knowledge, the teams enhance response and recovery efforts when such events do occur.
Graphic of water resources, including a dam.
Risk Management Center
The Risk Management Center (RMC) is a USACE IWR center of expertise. Its mission is to support Civil Works by managing and assessing risks for dams and levee systems across the Corps, to support dam and levee safety activities throughout the Corps, and to develop policies, methods, tools, and systems to enhance those activities.