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Solana Beach-Encinitas Shoreline Study

Notice of Availability AND Notice of Completion
Final Integrated Feasibility Study and Final EIS/EIR
Encinitas and Solana Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project

A Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) has been prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, City of Solana Beach & City of Encinitas Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project to identify and evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project.  The EIS is being filed with the Environmental Protection Agency and is being made available to interested parties for review and comment pursuant to regulations of the President's Council on Environmental Quality for implementing NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508).  The EIR has been prepared jointly with the EIS and notice is hereby given, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) [Public Resources Code §21000, et seq.] and the 2015 State CEQA Guidelines [California Code of Regulations §15000, et seq.].  The USACE is the Lead Agency for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Cities of Encinitas and Solana Beach are the Lead Agencies for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

FINAL EIS/EIR PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD:  May 22, 2015 through June 22, 2015 @ 5:00PM.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The USACE and the Cities have prepared a joint Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) to evaluate potential options for reducing storm damage related coastal erosion over a 50-year period anticipated to occur from 2018 through 2068. 

The recommended plan (Proposed Project) for coastal storm damage reduction in Encinitas includes construction of a 50-foot-wide beach fill along a 7,800-foot-long stretch of shoreline using 340,000 cubic yards of compatible sediment, with renourishment (in the amount of 220,000 cubic yards) every 5 years on average over a 50-year period of Federal participation, for a total of nine additional nourishments.

The recommended plan (Proposed Project) for coastal storm damage reduction in Solana Beach includes construction of a 150-foot-wide beach fill along a 7,200-foot-long stretch of shoreline using 700,000 cubic yards of compatible sediment, with renourishment in the amount of 290,000 cubic yards every 10 years on average over a 50-year period of Federal participation, for a total of four additional nourishments. 

Material for the beach fill will be dredged from borrow sites located off the coast of San Diego County.  Physical monitoring of the performance of the project will be required annually throughout the 50-year period of Federal participation.  This plan would provide coastal storm damage reduction throughout the project reach and would maintain the existing recreational beach.  A comprehensive mitigation monitoring and reporting plan has been incorporated into the proposed project.

The Final Integrated Feasibility Study & EIS/EIR and proposed report of the Chief of Engineers for the Encinitas-Solana Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project, San Diego County, California are available for public review and comment for 30-days beginning May 22, 2015 through June 22, 2015.  The Final EIS/EIR is divided into 5 volumes:


Volume I: Main Integrated Feasibility Report and Final EIS/EIR
Volume II: Appendices A through D

Appendix A     Agency Coordination and Public Involvement

Appendix B     Coastal Engineering Appendix

Appendix C     Geotechnical Engineering Appendix

Appendix D     404(b)(1) Evaluation

Volume III: Appendices E through H

Appendix E      Economic Appendix

Appendix F      Cost Engineering Appendix

Appendix G     Real Estate Appendix

Appendix H     Potential Impacts to Nearshore Resources and Mitigation and Monitoring Plan

Volume IV: Appendices I and J

Appendix I      Air Quality Analysis

Appendix J     Coordination Act Report

Volume V: Appendices K through N

Appendix K     Distribution List

Appendix L     Response to Comments on Draft EIS/EIR

Appendix M    Mitigation Strategy

Appendix N    Consistency Determination


The Documents are available on this website as well as at the following locations:

City of Solana Beach City Hall (http://www.ci.solana-beach.ca.us)

Community Development Department

635 South Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA  92075

Solana Beach Library

157 Stevens Avenue, Solana Beach, CA 92075 


City of Encinitas City Hall (http://encinitasca.gov/index.aspx?page=415)

505 S. Vulcan Ave., Encinitas, CA  92024


Encinitas Library

540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas, CA  92024

All comments must be received by June 22, 2015. Please address your comments to:

Headquarters, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers


7701 Telegraph Road

Alexandria, VA  22315-3860

Points of Contact:

USACE Lead Planner
Heather Schlosser
Phone: (213) 452-3810
Fax: (213) 452-4204
E-Mail: Heather.R.Schlosser@usace.army.mil
City of Encinitas
Kathy Weldon, Program Director
Phone: (760) 633-2632
Fax: (760) 633-2818
E-Mail: kweldon@ci.encinitas.ca.us


USACE Project Manager
Susie Ming
Phone: (213) 452-3789
Fax: (213) 452-4204
E-Mail: Susan.M.Ming@usace.army.mil

City of Solana Beach
Leslea Meyerhoff, Program Director, AICP
Phone: (760) 845-8028
Fax: (760)-804-8744
E-Mail: lmeyerhoff@cosb.org