IANTN Secretariat Mission

"The mission of the IANTN permanent Secretariat, as an advisory and administrative organization, is to administer all IANTN documents and publications, distribute up-to-date information of interest to the members and to increase the operational efficiency of the Network's communications in order to contribute to the coordination and mutual understanding among IANTN member navies, in the field of communications."

"A missão da Secretaria Permanente da RNIT, como órgão consultivo e administrativo, é gerenciar todos os documentos e publicações da RNIT; distribuir informações atuais e relevantes aos membros da Rede Naval; e aumentar a eficiência operacional das comunicações entre as Marinhas, a fim de contribuir para a coordenação e entendimento mútuo entre os Paises de América no campo das comunicações navais."

"La misión de la Secretaría Permanente de la RITN, como organismo asesor y administrativo, es administrar toda la documentación y publicaciones de la RIT; distribuir información actualizada y de interés a los miembros e incrementar la eficiencia operacional de las comunicaciones de la Red, con el fin de contribuir a la coordinación y entendimiento mutuo entre las armadas miembros de la RITN en el campo de las comunicacinones."

IANTN Secretariat Organization

The IANTN Secretariat is organized according to the concept of expansion adopted at the Eighth Inter-American Naval Conference and in a manner that allows the fulfillment of their responsibilities with the IANTN and with the IANC.

The Secretariat is composed of five (5) officers and one (1) non-commissioned naval officer of the IANTN member countries.



Current Secretariat Organization

Secretariat Activities

  • Establish the network policy.
  • Inform the Naval Authorities on the Secretariat activities.
  • Coordinate and support the naval and joint exercises.
  • Conduct IANTN Detachments coordination visits.
  • Review and edit IANTN publications.
  • Information Statistics Center for the performance of the network/station.
  • Serve as Permanent Secretariat for the Specialized Inter-American Naval Telecommunications Conference (IANTC).
  • Serve as liaison between the Secretariats of the Specialized Inter-American Naval Conferences (SIANC).

Secretariat Links

At the XIX IANC, the IANTN permanent organization procedures and objectives were established as follow:

The IANTN Secretariat advises the Inter-American Naval Conference (IANC), constituting itself as the liaison between the General Secretary in Exercises, the member countries and the Secretaries of the Specialized Inter-American Naval Conferences:

The IANTN Secretariat is also related to the Permanent Executive Secretariat of the American Armed Exercise Conference (SEPCEA) and with the System of Cooperation between the American Air Force (SICOFAA).

Historical Positions Held